Im Home

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••Zayn's Pov••

When I wok up Perrie was already knocking on the door. I sighed checking myself on the mirror making sure I looked nice.

I opened the door and walked out, not locking the door.

"Hi Zayn!" She yelled even though I was right next to her. She was about to pull me into a hug, but I just brushed past her.

"Lers get this over with!" I yelled when I was far enough.

She sped walked towards me, "Where do you want to go?"

"I want to eat, then go home," I said politely.

"Pfft, If I did that, Haydn would kill me, littleraly.!" She said whispering the last part.

"Well, its not my problem, you're desperate enough to do this, and now you suffer," I said not really caring if I hurt her feelings.

I mean, I dont want to be mean to her, but she deserves it right?

We drove to a parking lot and walked over to the restourant gaining attention.

Not even seconds later we were swarmed by fans, and papparazzi.

"Zayn why arent you with the boys?"

"Zayn you dating Perrie?"

"What the fuck man?! You are supposed to b with Hazza!!" Okay now that was a fan.

A lot of girls were yelling Zarry, but Perrie thought it was Zerrie, pfft yeah right.

"Zayn are you and Perrie dating?"

I stopped, "No" and caught up with Perrie again.

I stopped yet again and and listen to his question.

"Then why are you on a date with her?"

Man, this guy has a shit load of questions. And Lets make his life a bit easier.

"Because they are forcing me to, in order to go back home, I have to say I am dating her." I said honestly

"Zayn, hurry up!" Perrie yelled

"Thats my cue, bye" i said waving and catching up to her.

We kept on walking until we walked into a crowded restourant.

We walked straight in.

"Do you have a reservation?" A waitress said boredly.

"Yes, Perrie Edwards" Perrie said.

"Okay follow me!" She faked her enthusiasm when she saw Perrie. She lead us to our table which was by a table. Of course she would want us by a window. I rolled my eyes slightly pulling my pants up.

The waitress sat us down.

"Umm.. Zayn?"


"Can I have an autograph?" She asked smiling really wide.

Perrie scoffed.

"Sure thing babe" I said

I signed a paper she handed me.

"Soo, when am I going back home?!" I asked excited, about the thought of being back home.

"That I dont know but lets for get about that" she said smiling.

My smile fell. I mumbled a 'whatever'

We ordered our food and ate.

She kept asking questions, I hardly even answered. Im hungry. Im starting to feel like Niall.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now