Not Again!

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Oh my god! Before I start i have a rant..fucking step siblings!! Trying to tell my dad shit!! Seriously.. I just got introuble because of them!!-____- my dad hardly ever gets mad at me.. okay im done onto the storry!(:

••Harry's Pov••

While Josh was taking Bethany to the skating rink, We didnt know exactly what we were doing. Tarah, and Malena sure went all out with the date, from renting the rink, to making sure they stayed out of the house. Everytime I asked when they were coming they would say,'Dont know Dont Care' and walk off.

I was confused about the whole getting Zayn jelous. I mean Malena said to not do it anymore, but a tad bit late, cause I already made plans. No not with a girl, but with one of my old band members. Haydn [•For those who dont know what the band is... -_____- •]

He wasnt gay, as far as I know.

But turns out, he came to the US, after I auditioned for the X-Factor.

I was getting ready when Tarah walked into my room

"Where are you going?" She asked eyeing me.

"Meet up with Haydn, Miss him" i said shrugging, like it was nothing.

"Haydn?" She asked rasing her eyebrow

"Old band member, he lives a few miles out so, we're meeting up in the BoardWalk " I said shaking my hair a few times brushing it to the side.

"Oh, but what about Zayn?" She asked.

"What about him?" I asked confused

"Arent you going to tell him?" She asked, she made it seem like I was with him.

"Im not with him, so he doesnt have to know, after all, he has Perrie, now if you excuse me, I have a Pal to meet!" I said patting her head walking out.

"Harold where are you going?!" Niall yelled.

"Meeting up with Haydn"

"What?!" Zayn and Malena yelled at the same time.

"Old band member, nothing big, just going tp the boardwalk, which Im late See ya!!" I yelled walking out

I walked out fixing my blazer. My hone vibrated

'What the Fuck HARRY!!? - Malena

'You told me a little too late, gotta go, hes here!xx-Harry'

I turned off my phone.

I walked up to Haydn kicking his ass.

"Really Harry? I thought we were past that!" He said rubbing his bottom.

I grinned,"Nope"

"What do you want to do?" He asked, his "accent" was almost gone, he was starting to sound American.

"I am hungry! So that's exactly what I am going to do!" I yelled getting wierd looks from older people. Im starting to sound like Niall.

"Lets go!" He said walking to a little restorant.

"So how are Nick and Will?" I asked while we waited in line.

"They're great! They miss the band!! Sometimes I visit them and we watch videos us performing." He said sadly

"How may I help you?" A young boy said bored

We ordered and waited for our food.

"I miss them too, we should get together all of us, and just play our old songs." I said

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now