Flip Cup, Tequila, and BodyShots

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Okay, well the chapter I had written was done and I had it ready yesterdy, but I never foun it, and it got deleted, *Zayn's American accent* OH MY GOSH I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! But anywho, ugh, does Zayn have an instagram? Wll in his rumoured instagram there, you know what I wont even start my rant, but Im going to just stay our of it, although There are others that agree with me, anybody ships Zerrie, Nemi and stuff like that?

Malena's Quote of the day: There's a difference between kiss ass, respect, and hater, and bitch if you think Im a jelous hater? Think again.

Yup, I'm pissed anywho enjoyy!!:D

On the side Harold's Pouting face(: Sexy isn't it?


°°Harold's Pov••

Niall and I decided to get the drinks for our little hammered gathering.

"So, how was your date?" Niall asked grabbing shot glasses and the Tequila bottle.

"hmm how can I put this without sounding like a girl?" I asked loudly grabbing beers from the fridge

"You're gay! You're suppised to say girly shit arent you?" He joked faking confusion.

"Is that how you see me Niall?" I faked hurt clutching my chest. "Ehh, well in that case it wa amazing!" I yelled

"See girly shit" he mumbled loudly, grabbing lemons and limes butting them into wedges.

"I love you too buddy!" I walke out with the beers in my hands leaving Niall with the Tequila and other stuff.

Everybody besides Zayn grabbed a beer.

I looked at Zayn, and saw that he was too busy smiling at his phone. I eyed him ,"Who you texting?" I asked rasing an eyebrow at him.

"Erm nobody!" He said putting it away quickly.

"Really?" I asked walking towards him.

"Yep" he said pulling me on his lap.

He grabbed my beer taking a large sip out of it.

"That was mine!" I whined pouting sticking my bottom lip more that I should.

He leaned in pressing his lips to mine. He licked my bottom lip, I was about to open my mouth.

"EWW GUYS GET A FUCKING ROOM!! NO WAIT DONT!! I WANT MY VIGIN MIND SAFE!!!" Bethany yelled burrying her head into Louis' shoulder.

I pulled away. "Sorry"

"So guys what are we doing?" I asked standing up to get another beer.

"Lets play a game!" Louis yelled

"What game? Truth or dare or something? Those games are boring!" Tarah whined

"Ugh you guys, lets play Flip Cup Thumbs" Malena said rolling her eyes

"And how do you play that?"

"Easy, two teams of four an you have to chug a cup of beer, and one person will be Master Thumb and you have to randomly put your thumb on the table but you have to do it discretly and everybody has to pu their thumb on the table, but the last person either chugs a beer, or gets a punishment, Master thumb decides! Also, you have to flip your cup over or it wont count!" She explained

"Where you a bartender?!" Niall yelled

"Nope, but my moms a biiig drinker so you guys in or what?"

"Lets do this bitch!" Louis yelled.

We walked over to the coffe table and sat around it.

"Okay, rock paper sissors on who's master thumb" Malena said.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now