first night gone wrong

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••Harry's Pov••


No. No. No.

Oh My God


"Erm, you can take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor" I said lookin for extra sheets, and pillows.

"No, let's just share the bed, an you still owe m that good night kiss." He said winking.

I sighed.

"Nahh Im good" I said walking out.

And everybody was awake, even Liam.

Well it only is... 8:30..

"Hazzaa!! Call Zayn, we're going to umm.. watch a movie!" Louis yelled.

"Watch movie? My ass. What are we really doing?"

"Just goo!!" Lou ordered.

I walked away to our room.

"Hey Zayn woah, where's half of your clothse?" I asked, walking in on Zayn just in his boxer.

"Im going to sleep?"

"Well the guys think we should watch a movie so Lets Go!" I said trying to keep my eyes focused on the wall behind him.

"Im not in th moo for a movie, how about I just sleep?" He asked,"Oh andI still need that goodnight kiss"

"I'll give you on if you erm, watch th movie with us." I said plainly not really hoping he would agree.

"Okay then." He said not caring that hebwas just in boxers.

"Arent you putting clothse on?" I asked looking at him.

"Why cant handle my sexyness?" He asked smiking.

I rolled my eyes an slapped him.

"What the hell? Why are you slapping me?"

"Cause you had a stupid smirk of your face" i said walking into the living room

Everybody had a can of beer in their hand.

"I thought we where watching a movie?" I asked.

"Nope change of plans we're playing a game!" Louis yelled.

"You know what? Im going to sleep!" I said yawning.

I was about to walk out when somebody grabbed my shirt and dragged me into the circle.

"Okay guys!! Lets play, Flip Sip or Strip!! Simple game rules! Flip a coin guess heads or tails, guess right you pass, get it wrong you either sip on a drink, or strip!" Louis said passing us a beer.

"Louis why do I have a feeling this is going to end bad?" I said opening the beer can already taking a sip already.

"Save it for the game Hazz! Now who wants to go first?!.... Nobody? Sigh fine I'll go first!" Louis said.

Hey this might be easy! Im good at this! Like getting drunk and naked! Yeah! Wait is that bad?

He fliped the coing guessed heads, got tails.

"What will it be Lou?" He sighed and took off his hit. So he chose strip.

I saw Bethany blush and cover her face. Haha loser(;

Zayn was next to him so he got the coin.

"Hey Zayn dont strip might give Harry a hard on!" Louis yelled.

They all laughed, and I tagged along, really Louis? Really!? Gosh

Anyway, he guessed wrong so he just took a sip out.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now