Undiscovered Feeling revealed.

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••Zayn's Pov••


"Oh Shit" he cursed bitting his lip.

I wanted to do that! I reached out and pulled on his bottom lip.

"Okay! Well Me and Beth, will be going to bed now! GoodNight!" Lou said pulling Bethany with him.

"Well boy, Im heading upstairs aswell, Go to bed" Liam said walking upstairs leaving us downstairs.

"Want to go upstairs?" I asked

he nodded trying to get up

"Um, Zayn mind letting go of my lip?" Harry asked

"Oh, yeah, sure" i said, feeling heat rise to my face.

"Aww is little My Zaynie blushing?" He pinching my cheek.

His Zaynie.

Harry's Zaynie.

Why did I like the sound of that?

"Zayn are you coming?" Harry asked.

"Erm, yeah lets go." I walked behind him until we reached the room.

I started to take my clothse off and put on my sweat pants and dived into the bed and started to drift off when sonebody poked my side.

"Whaaat?" I yelled..

"Move over!" Harry shouted

"No leave!" I yelled

"Fine the you wont move!" He said and I felt myself being burried into the bed more.

I tried to lift myself up from the bed but failed miserbly.

[•• Quick note anybody remember the twitcam Niall and Zayn did a loong time ago where Zayn was like "OH MY GOOD NIALL GIMME MY PHONE" yeahh imagine him saying it like that!••]

"Ohh My God!! Get off of me!!" I said trying to get up.

"I told you to move Zaynie, and you didnt!" I heared Harry say, I bet he even had a smirk on his face. Oh how I wish I could slap him.

"Harry, can you please get off of me?" I asked nicely

"Will you move over?"

"Yes Now get off!!"

He moved and waited for me to move.

I moved and looked at him.

He was only in his boxers.

Okay Zayn, its not like he will be anywhere near you. For fucks sake man what are you saying? You are in the same bed with him!

Sure we've shared a bed before, but, Why is it soo different now?

Well maybe cause you've kissed him..

I sighed and felt the bed dip down where he had now layed down.

I layed on my side and propped myself up with my elbow.


"Yes?" He asked looking at me

"This is going to be wierd but, w-why" i sighed, "why did you kiss me back?"

"Because it was a date, so I had to"he answerd still looking at me.

"No I mean, at the store, why?" I asked I really wanted to know.

"Ermm.. because... umm... I... i.. dont know?"

"Really? Just tell me!" I screamed at him.

"Because I think I like you okay! God is that what you wanted to know, Im scared, cause I've never liked a guy, in MY life, and now I think I like you" he yelled sitting up.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now