Outskirts of either Nevada or Utah? the fuck?

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Haha Can you believe Karen got grounded? Sucker, for an 18 year old she's immature as fuck!

But she happened to write 1/2 of this which is good!



*Harry's Pov*

I woke up and sighed. My phone wouldn't stop ringing.


"Harry, I hope you boys are enjoying your last day in Vegas. Tomorrow we're headed to LA for your first tour concert!" I heared Simon yell.

"Um. No.. we sorta have a problem"

"What's the problem Harry?"

"The girls. The girls are ermm lost?" I said scared.

"And what does that have to do with anything?" Simon said nonchalantly

"Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn and I dont think it's appropriet that we leave them here by themselfs. After all they are lost" I tried reasoning with him.

"So does this mean you have to stop your job, because some girls are fucking lost Harry? Did you forget you guys made a comitment" he yelled pissed.

"Simon. Listen if you're still in a bitchy mood, because of Zayn and I, get over it. And secon of all, they mean something to us. 'Specially the boys. We arent leaving them stranded, if you want us to perform lets switch the dates for LA to Vegas. Easy."

"No Harry not fucking easy"

"Well suck it up, think of something we arent leaving until Malena has a flight back home, and Tarah and Bethany are on that tourbuss with us" I said in a somewhat calm voice.

"Why dont you get a search team"

"Liam Niall and Louis are already gone"

"You're lucky I havent fired you yet"

"Oohh lucky me"

"Dont push your luck Harry, you still work for me"

"I only work because I love doing this, and the fans so.. thanks for calling, tell me if we're performing here tomorrow, if not, call me bye Uncle Si!" I yelled and hung up.

I threw myself on the bed again.

I am so dead for yelling at him.

"Im proud of you"

I looked at Zayn giving him a "WTF?!" Look

"You stood up to Simon, his calls for food"

I laughed, getting up.


**Tarah's POV**

"Tarah, why did you bring us here?" Bethany asked looking at the filthy place.

"Bethany. For the fifth fucking time, I didnt!!!! God! I don't know where we are!" I yelled at her making her shut up.

Honestly, I dont know where the fuck we're at. all I know is that we woke up here. And it's filthy, clothes everywhere,.

I wish our phones were charged, but no, they're dead,.

"Malena stop trying to open the door its's locked!" I yelled.

I dont like yelling at them, but they dont listen. Being the youngest here, I feel oike a mother.

"Who said anything about a door? Im braking the fucking window" she said smirking. She walked over to the window, wrapped her han in a t-shirt.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now