hes ill

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••Harry's Pov••


I walked out of the house looking back at Zayn. He looked at me pleadingly.

"Hey Liam maybe I should stay behind with Zayn, he doesnt look okay" i said looking back at Zayn who had now walked away.

"I dont know Harry" Liam said

"Hey, Liam Let him stay! Zayn told us he wasnt feeling good!" Bethany yelled.

'Play Along' mouthed Tarah as she gave me look.

"Maybe we can stop at the store, buy him soup?" I asked.

"Okay lets go" Liam agreed.

[••Zayn can play the guitar and piano in this story!••]

About ten minutes later I walked into Zayn playing the oPiano.

'Promise you'll be honest you'll me


Keep it real.

Is it the way I wear my hair?

Just tell me the truth boy;i dont care

Look at me as I am

I just dont understand.

Tell me why

Why wont you love the way I need to bee

I keep trying

Why wont ou love me the way i need to be loved.

My heart keeps crying

I need to be loved'

I sighed rembering the song.

Toni Braxton Why Wont You Love Me

"Um, Zayn?"

He stopped playing and looked at me blushing.

"Why are you here?" He asked looking around me hoping the rest would be with me.

He sighed when I was alone.

but not those oh shit sighs, more like a happy sigh.

I smiled, then bit my lip when I saw him getting up.

"Hey where are you going?" I asked pulling on his arm.

"I'm hungry, didnt eat much this morning, and I got a headache" he said looking at the fridge.

"How about I cookt you something, Beth, and Tarah told Liam you we're ill so I could stay" I said hoping he would look at me.

"Really?" He eyed me.

Not the reaction I was ecpecting.

I smiled at him walking over to the oven abd started to boil water for the soup.

"Harry, can we please talk about this?" Zayn asked

"Talk about what Zayn,?" I asked not really wanting him to say us.


I looked at him,"There is no us silly!!" I said jokingly well, there is no us, we're not going out, what's the poing of faking.

"Harry, I thought you said you were starting to like me, we need to talk about this!" He begged

"Okay! Well what about us Zayn?" I asked turning around leaning against the island.

"Harry, I had a talk with Beth and T and well, they mad me realize, that I maybe, no I AM falling for you." He said looking at me.

I finished preparing cooking the soup, an just waited for the noodles to finish, so I just left it there.

"Zayn, Are you sure?" I asked looking at him again.

"No Harry you're being punked, I dont like you, I just kissed you, told you how I am feeling because, like I said, you're being punked." He said in a serious voice.

"Told you" I mumbled turning back around.

"Oh my God Harry, I was kidding, I really do like you! And I want to try it, us, Zarry Stylik" He said walking up to me.

"Zayn what about the fans, And Simon? What if things end up bad?" I asked sitting on the counter.

"I guess we wont know untill we find out, now will we? Try this out?" He asked messing up my hair.

"Okay, I guess wait what does this mean?" I asked Looking into those deep brown eyes of his.

"I'm taking you on a date tomorrow!" He said pulling my face closer to his.

I smirked at him, "not so fast there buddy" i said pulling my head back.

"Give me a kiss!" He whined

"Nope!" I said puhing him away so I could get soup... What Im hungry, again.

I went to the cupboard an grabbed a plate and a glass.

"Zayn do you want to eat!?" I yelled seing he wasnt in the kitchen anymore.

"Im ill! Come an feed me!!"

"What am I your slave now?!" I yelled

"Yes!! Now hurry up Slave!" He yelled


Thanks for the 400+ reads love this!! Too happy had to upload!

Just a filler!

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