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••Zayn's Pov••

I got thrown in the back of a van. There was a person sitting in the front seat. I tried to see who he was but I was thrown back from th big guy stepping on the gas.

My head hit the side of the car and I was out.

••Random Person••

[••Soo Hard to write!! I love him••]

I smirked when he passed out.

That's what the bastard gets.

"What are we going to do with him?" One of the guys asked.

"I dont fucking care, aslong as nobody finds him, and he cant leave" I said putting my cap and sunglasses on.

"Why are we taking him again?" He asked.

"Stop the car! And get outt!!" I yelled

He stopped the car and got out.

I followed behind.

I snapped my fingers an pointed at the idiot.

Another guy attacked him. I snapped my fingers and he stopped shortly. We left that fucking idiot there and drove away.

We finally made it to the house, I told them to take Zayn ino the basement.

I started to watch tv when one of my boys, Jonathan, came in ,"Well, he's up already, what can I do to him?" He said wagging his eyebrows.

"Not fuck him that's for sure! I'll go talk to him, give me the hat and glasses."

••Zayn's Pov••

I woke feeling pressure on my head And I was laying on the cold floor. I sat up groaning rubbing my head.

Where was I? It's all dark, the only light comes from a window.

"Zayn Malik, fancy meeting you here!" Somebody said.

"What the hell am I doing here??"

"Now Now no need to yell, we're right here!"

"Wait I have a question!" I said

"Ask away,!" Another person answered. It was a big guy.

"Do you guys have a bathroom? Unless you want me to pee inside, it's mine with me! I have no problem also, If im going to be here fo a while, am I going to be abl to shower, and fix my hair? Do you guys have hair gel?" I asked. Why am I hyper all of the sudden?

"Oh my gosh shut up!! No, and no!! pee where ever the fuck you want just shut up and dont disturb me" the person said walking out.

The other guy was still here

"Can I help you?" I asked confused. The guy was watching me.

Oh my god is she going to rape me?! Im too beautiful to be raped! Eww, i'll be seaty, then my hair will get ruined. Noo!!

"Why would I rape you? And too beautiful? I hav a feeling you care WAAAYYY too much for your hair." He said walking up to me, patting in down.

I pushed him back standing up.

Ow my back. I streched, walking around looking for a mirror.

I didnt find anything bedised a small please of tinted glass, so I used it. As I was fixing my hair i heared a shot.

I jumped up dropping the piece making it shatter.

My mirror! I pouted

"Oops!! Sorry about that! Wait why am I apoligizing?? I can do whatever he fuck i want!!" Somebody yelled.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now