We'll make a great escape

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••°°• Okay well, in this story I've never given an exact location, lets just say they're in LA, that's where they live.

••Harry's POV°°

HOLY SHIT!! In exactly two more Hours until Zayn takes me on a date. An can I just say Im too fucking excited. I havent stopped smiling since th interview ended, and can I say that was a pretty funny game.

Right now Im laying in bed wondering what we are doing.

All Zayn told me was "Get ready, put something cofortable on," he kissed me and walked out.

"What should I put on?" I mumbled to myself still laying in bed.

"HARRREEEHHH!!" I heared Niall yell running into my room, jumping on the bed with Tarah righy behind him.

"Whattt?" I yelled trying to protect my balls from being hit by a foot, or something else.


"W-Where is he?" I asked scared

"HE. IS. AT. THE. OFFICE." He said in a robatic voice


Tarah yelled running out of the room with Niall trailing behind her.

I guess I have to go to the office before my date.

I called Zayn to tell him that Simon wanted to see me, but he didnt answer.

I sighed and just left a note on the door.

|•Uncle Si needed to Talk to me, soo, I dunno when I'll be back!! Ermm, call me if im not back? xx- Harry°|

What a stupid note, but whatever.

I hurried to the office and walked in tobsee Rebecca fidling with papers.

"EYY Yo Rebeckyy Im here to see Uncl Si!"

"You too? Zayn came in in the morning and left out, and then came back, you boys are in trouble from what I'v heared." She told me nodding me to the elevator.

Oh, shit oh shit oh shit! Fuck.

I went in to the elevator when Boyfriend started to play. Haha classified Elevator music.

I walked out of the elevator and saw Zayn sittin outside of th office with his arms crossed.


"Hey Harry, fancy meeting you here!" He said standing up walking towards me.

"Same goes to you? I thought we had a date tonight?" I said confused

"We do, but Uncle Si is being a-"

"Im being a what Zayn?" Uncle Si interrupted him.

"A... ermm... a very lovely man!" Zaynbsaid not knowing what else to say.

"Both of you my office NOW!" He yelled at us.

I scuried into his office.

Zayn walked slowly in earning a glare from Simon.

What did he do?

"So, I called Zayn into my offic this morning to talk about this thing going on between you, and Nicole and I want it to stop." He said casually

"Haha you're funny Uncle Si, but seriously, what do you need?" I said awkwardly laughing

"Im being serious Harry, fans will be disapointed that Larry, doesnt exist, now tomorrow you have an interview about what going on, an you will say it was a prank or something" he said leaning back into his chair.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now