we got Zarry, Tiall, Leth, but nobody with Liam!

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Quick Note!! Is NOOBODDYY ASKS for Li! I will keep him fo myself!! Litteralyy!!! And I dont kno why! But I want to write in British accent..

You know wht Ima do that!

Okay! Onto reading!


Zayn's pov


After being caught with Harry snogging, and him running off, Louis wouldnt shut up, and he was with a girl, who's name I learend was Bethany, and it looked like Lou was trying to impress her.

I smirked and pulled him into a headlock.

Bethany was laughing a cute silent laugh. But not as cute as Harry.

And before I knew it Lou had me in a headlock. I started to laugh and pushed him away.

"You did not just push the Tommo!!" he shouted stomping his foot.

"Shut up Mrs. Sassy!" I yelled puting an arm around Beth. He glared at me.

"Stop glaring at me Lou, l" i said pulling Beth closer to me putting my head on her shoulder my grin getting bigger.

"Go away" he mumbled.

"Beth, would you like me to leave?" I asked looking at her. Giving her a slight pount.

"Ermm.. No?" she said confused.

"Haha, dont worry Lou! You'll get to ask her on a date when Im gone! Meanwhile, I need to talk you Beth" i said pulling her away.

Lou huffed and walked away ,"Sassy prick" i said.

Bethany laughed.

"Listen! As you've noticed Lou, kinda. Pfft kinda he fancies you! And if you plan on making my baby happy," i started, she was giving me a scared look.

I smirked "Chill out babe, I could care less, I was just proving a theory I had, well lets go look for Lou!" I said pulling her with me.

"Im confused!" She said looking at me.

We found Lou pouting at Liam with his arms crossed. Liam was rubbing his temple

"See!" Lou yelled pointing at us.

Liam turned around and started to laugh,"he has Claire!"

"More like Harry!" Lou yelled.

Liam looked at me. Shocked. I bet you my eyes were wide as hell.

Im going to kill you!

"What Louis means is that Claire um.. like Harry and she's using Zayn to get closer to Harry!" Bethany said chuckling nervously.

"Thanks you!" I whispere to her.

"Lou, you almost made it seem like Zayn liked Harry for a bit there" Liam said chuckling.

I laughed, "Yeah mate, funny"

"Guys! Have you seen Niall or Harry?" Liam asked looking around.

"Oh Harry left, he dint feel well and Niall... that I dont know" Bethany said.

I owe this girl big time!

"Is he alright?" I rolled my eyes, here's Daddy Direction again.

"I dont know" i said shrugging my shoulders.

Why havent I've seen if he's okay? God Im terrible. I mean I kiss him, then let him leave, just like that.

I looked at Liam, "Li this is Bethany, Louis girlfriend" i said smirking at Louis.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now