Dont Wake Me Up!

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G'Day Mate!!;) Okay well, Malena gave me the best Idea eveerr!!! And I don't know why she's making me write this chapter. Well, she had a panic attack a few day ago. Sorry for not updating. I get busy with school and shit. And well, Im almost off to college!:D well Here ya goo,! Love you My Little Dirty Minions


|~Liam's Pov~|

I stood there glaring at Danielle. I really hate being a boy right now. I just really want to punch her in the face. How can she not remember anything?

"Okay guys calm down, Liam, let's leave maybe we should just go ahead and look for them! Obviously she isnt any help" Zayn said patting my back.

I snarled, "No this bitch needs to start talking or I swear I will do something stupid" I glared at her, crosing my arms.

"C'mon Zayn, let's go, she isnt worth it-" Harry paused before continuing, "Malena could be anywhere right now, by herself. And we're wasting me"

I stopped glaring at Danielle. My eyes filling with tears. Danielles glare softened and she put a hand on my cheek. I closed my eyes.

I pushed Danielle's hand away, turned around and walked towards the door. Before I left I looked at Danielle, "If Malena's hurt in anyway, I swear you and your stupid friends are dead" I snapped, walking out.

This is fucking shit. I feel like shit. I knew I shouldn't let her go. I feel terrible. She has to go home in a day. And... as much as I didnt want to let her leave me, she has her studies. I can't hold her back. That's not my place. Yeah, I like her... a lot. Like A lot a lot, and I just don't like the fact that Danielle did something to her, and the girls. Especially since they are the ex-girlfriends.

I feel like shit. This stupid. I just want to scream!! I want everything to be the way it was before all of this mess.

I walked around with my head hung low. I don't want anybpdy to see me like this.

I walked to a little park like thing by the center of Vegas. I sat down by the fountain. A group of girls passed by rocking out to Justin Bieber

"I'm only here to find you, you All I need is you by my side. All I want to do is dance under the moon.

Cause All I need is one love one love, one heart. One love, one love, one heart. Baby give it to me. Cause I don't want-want nobody. When I got-got your body. Baby no no nobody, has got what I need"

How perfect! I litteraly have no leads on where she could be. Where they could be. I know they technically werent allowed to drink, but that wouldn't stop them.

I sighed laying down looking up to the sky. It was somewhat getting darker. Slowly but surely.

I stayed there with my hands behind my head, and my legs stretched out.

"Last night at Blush! OMG you should've been at the club!!! There was these crazy bitches were ever'where!! I swear, they were dancin', drinkin', err'thin', one of them was 'bout to pass out! It was the shit!" A extreamly loud girl yelled.

"OMG No way! The same happened while I was at dinner these two girls, were pissed drunk, they kept asking for food, one of them wanted to pierce her lip! But she want able to!" Another one yelled.

I looked up and saw two girls sitting down accross from me.

"No way! Well the girls I was talking about, one of them, was talking about how she didnt want to leave to Texas, it was soo funny!" The first one yelled

That made me sit up fast. Malena, would get her lip pierced, and she lives in Texas.

I walked over to the girl, "Umm, excuse me, don't mean to interrupt but, what girls where you talking about?" I asked politely.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now