Just You and I

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••Zayn's Pov••

I walked passed Liam, well now Harry and Malena's room and saw them laughing.

Anger boiled through me.

[•• Noo!! Malena[me] isnt being used as the jelousy person!!••]

I didnt realize I was standing there until they both looked at me.

"Hey, Zayn haha hey! That rhymed!" Malena said laughing. Harry looked at her, and started laughing aswell.

"Hi... bye" I said a tad bit rude.

"Hey, you shouldnt really be rude Zaynie, I know the girls and I emberrased Perrie and the other ones but you shouldnt be mad. After all, you dont even like Perrie!" Malena said standing up.

"Yes I do!" I defended. I looked at Harry, and his face fell.

"Wow you are a really good actor. And just a thought whenever you need to talk Im here for ya!" Malena said.

I nodded walking off. I went into my room and saw Harry's stuff still in here. Aww tomorrow we leave.

I layed down in bed thinking about how tomorrow should be fun.


I ran out the room to see the Harry carrying Malena out of the room and to the living room.

"Hey what are you guys going?" Tarah asked.

"Well, I have Lou, You have Niall, Zayn has Harry now Malena need Liam!" Bethany yelled .

"Really?" Liam asked at the bottom of the stairs.


"LOUIISS!! HELP MEE!!" Malena yelled everytime Harry moved a step.

I glared at her, balling my fist.

"Hey, If you keep on glaring, you'll get ugly!" Tarah yelled patting my back.

I rolled my eyes, but stoped, what? Didnt want to get ugly

"I HEARED SOMEBODY YELL SUPERMANN!!" Louis yelled in his Superman shirt.

"Ow shit Louis!" I ran to the top of the stairs to see Lou ontop of Harry and Malena ontop of Liam.

I stomped down the stairs but got pulled back.

"Dont!" Bethany glared at me.

I yanked my arm out of her grip, "leave me alone, you dont know anything" I snapped walking back into my room.

Nobody knows anything


••Bethany's Pov••

Malena's mad at me. Something about Liam.

But other than that, shes pissed. I went to go talk to Tarah, but when she saw me, she immediatly stopped what she was doing and looked at me.

"Why so secretive?" I asked smirking

"Umm.. Nothing! I thought you were... Niall, yeah, I thought you were Niall," she said looking around.

"He's downstairs eating... again.. haha" I chuckled

"Yeahh, Hey can you call Malena?" She asked..

I nodded.

"Babycakes, you're needed!!!" I yelled walking out of the room.

"Okay!!" She yelled running

•••• Skiping since nothings happening, everybody is asleep!•••••

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