Karen's Chapter<3 ^•^

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My story is now rated "R" im shocked, but, fuck it, lets give em something rated "R" to talk about!(; bahahaha is bethany knew this she would Thee fuck?? Bahaha But yeah, ermm, Hmm, sex scenes in this chapter, sadly, well Im going to hand this to my Cousin!! She is basically forcing me to this, yes she has a gun on my head well *looks at Cousin Karen* Here ya go sweet cheeks, please dont be too graphic!!

Okay Heyyloo beautiful people, The Names Karen obviously^•^ Well Ladies, I didnt force her, sorta, so Im writting this, and yeah, She wrote the previous one, I'm soo proud!:') ~le cries~ Anywhore Dedicated to the ladies who will be taking a pounding tonight(; lol enjoy, and yes, this will contain sexual mater so if you are not comfortable with this (Like Malena) I'm sorry I will put "••°°•°°•" whenever the scenes start and end, anywhore Comment Vote Fan,

Also just to clear it up, Liam, Malena, Tarah, Niall left the house! Yes those drunken bastards left!


••Louis Pov°°

After Beth did that Body shot, I erm, Yeah, I- I was hard.

"Wow, lets go upstairs" I said grabbing Bethany's hand pulling her upstairs.

We bearly got into the room and I slamed her against the now close door. I crashed my lips with hers. She moaned into my mouth making me want her even more. Im pretty sure that I was harder now.

••°°•°°•It started(;

Bethany started to tug on the hem of my shirt, I pulled away and took my shirt over my head taking her off after mine was gone. I started to kiss down her neck, licking , sucking, nibbling wherever I wanted. She moaned, Im guessing she liked it. I connected my mouth with hers again. I felt her hands trailing down my body. I groaned, kissing her harder than I already was. Her hands were fiddling with my belt, trying to get it off. I bit her bottom, making her moan loudly. She got my pants off, and I was just standing in my boxers.

"When I pick you up, wrapp your legs around me" I whispered in her hear making her shiver. I picked her up and he did what I told her to.

I held on to her ass pressing myself harder to her. I held onto her and walked backwards and fell on the bed with her ontop of me.

I took off her cheerleading (A/N No She's not a cheerleader but she has th spanks/) off an left her in her underwear. I smirked at her "You look nice" I winked at her

She sat up and covered herself,"shut up" she mumbled.

I sat up from under her and kissed her. She kissed back almost instantly tangling her hands in my hair. I groaned.

She started to lean in more making us lay back down, one of her hands started to move down. She reached the waitband on my boxers, but she didnt take them off she started to rub me through my boxers. She pulled away from the kiss and started to kiss down my neck, then my chest, you get the point. Next thing I know my boxers were off and her warm wet mouth covered my very hard member. I hissed when she licked my tip. She started to move her head up and down ( A/N I HEARED YOU BITCH DONT GOT A GAG REFLEX?! MEN WILL LOVE YOU(; I DONE)

She suddenly took me all in her mouth. I tangled my hands in her hair keeping her there. I unhooked her bra. She continued, the very apreciated.

"B-Beth I-I-Im going t-to"

She stoped, "Cant let that haopen now can we?" She winked.

"You cant just stop now, this hard on practically hurts like hell!" I smirked I flipped us over so I was hovering her.

"Paybacks a bitch" I nibbled on her ear, making her moan.

I kissed down her chest, taking her underwear off. I shoved two fingers in her now wet pussy.

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