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Louis' Pov


I looked at her, "what?"

"You just said you wanted my number, but if you dont want it I guess" she said getting the carrots and walking away.

I catched up to her,"I never said I didnt want it" I said trying to catch up to her fast pace.

"So what exactly are you saying?" She asked eyeing me.

"How about a date?"

"OH MY GOD!!" She yelled looking at straight ahead.

I looked where she was looking and Saw Harry and Zayn in a full out make out sesion.

They pulled away hearing her yell

"Hey I never got your name." I said nudding her.

"Bethany." She said still looking at Zayn and Harry.

I smirked.

••Harry's Pov••

When I walked away to the candy section I was suprised Niall wasnt here yet.

I walked to the Haribo stand thingy and started to grab a few bags when I felt somebody blow in my ear.

A chill ran up and down my spine.

I turned arround to see Zayn standing there looking at the hickey.

"What?" I asked looking at him.

"Nothing" he said pressing his chest against my back.

"Well if you dont mind Zaynie, I need to go pay for this!" I said about to turn around.

I felt him move so I easily turned around and I slammed myself against him dropping my bag of gummy deliciousness on the floor.

I pouted about to pick them up when Zayn started to back me up.

My back was against the candy shelf and he put his hands on the side of my head keeping me there.

Pffft!! Like I wanted to go anywhere!

I felt his breath tickle my lips. I looked up to see him leaning in then stopping.

He looked at my eyes then my lips.

I closed the gap between us and crashed my lips to his.

(A/N OH GOD![:/])

He licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance.

I didnt give in easily I kept my shut. No letting him in.

He groaned and moved his hands down passing my shoulders, then my hips, he moved his hands to my back an still kept going down till he reached my ass.

'Keep your mouth close' I chanted in my head ove and ove again.

He saw that I still had my mouth shut, so he squeezed my ass a bit.

I gasped, he took this opportunity and put his tounge in my mouth.

He roamed my mouth. Deepning the kiss.

I snaked my arms to his hair and grabbing a fistfull of his hair. He groaned.

He still had his hands on my ass. I pulled him even closer if that was possible.

I heared a gasp followed by an 'Oh My God!'. Me and Zayn pulled away and saw a girl standing with Lou looking at us.

Louis was smirking and the girl was still in shock. I looked at Zayn who's lips were swollen and red, mine proabably the same.

I pulled Zayn's hand away grabbing my gummybears and walking away. Blushing all the way to the chashier stands grabbing a few drinks, I payed and walked out.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now