Karen's Chapter! ^•^

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Howdy guys, Karen here, yup Im writting this chapter, and you know what that means!^•^ muahaha Enjoy my little Dirty Minded Minions! Also theres sex scenes! Didnt label where they started!


••Harry's Pov°°

Tomorrow, if officially Liam's birthday.

Louis and Bethany arent exactly talking. Louis is I guess really hurt by her. But I tried explaining. I guess, If Zayn did that to me, I would be uspet too.

We dont know what to do anymore, we cant even go out to eat withouy it being awkward. And Bethany is now upset with Louis, because he wont listen.

I sighed.

"Babe, stop worrying about it, they'll work it out, I mean they are staying in the same room" Zayn said sitting up.

I rolled over looking at him ," How can I not? My two friends are fighting over something small! How can I just ignore it?"

"They are two grown people, they'll figure it out on their own, I promise" he pulled me closer to him.

"I really dont want to get up, Im really Lazy and I have a reeaaallyy bad head ache"

"I told you not to drink that much yesterday" He started to sound Like Liam.

I sighed "The drinks were calling my name, I couldnt ignore them!"

"Harry sometimes I wonder if you're out of it" he chuckled stradling me.

"You know we havent done anything in a while" he said kissing my neck.

"And what are you going to to about it?" I whispered huskily.

He crashed his lips with mine. He pushed his tounge in my mouth. I tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer.

One of his hands started to move its way to my shorts. He started to play with the waistband, when there was a knock on the door.

Zayn ignored it and started rubbing me through my shorts..

"Stop teasing" I hissed, pulling away from our very desperate kiss.

There was another knock.

Zayn pulled away and walked over to the door.


"Oh, Im sorry, I-I got the wrong room" a girls voice said.

"Cool, now if you excuse me lets hope you didnt ruin the mood" Zayn snapped.

My eyes went wide.

He slammed the door and walked back to the room. "Ruining the damn mood, now I cant even get rid of this hard on ugh" he mumbled to himself.

I pushed him on the bed and straddled him.

"So you got a hard-on eh? I could take care of that" I said nibbling on his earlobe.

"P-Ple-ase?" He begged running a hand through my curls, roughly pulling me to him. Our lips crashed causing me to moan.

I started to rub us together, making him groan.

I smirked into the kiss. I moved my hand closer to the bulge in his pants an started rubbing it through his boxers.

"Stop teasing" he mumbled

I lifted my hand up and pulled his boxers down. He kicked them off and flipped us over, so he was ontop of me now. He pulled my boxers down. But I pulled away from him when he was about to grabb me "As much as I want you too, My turn to go first" I said pushing him down. I pushed a finger in started thrusting it in and out. I continued adding more fingers in.

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