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••Zayn's Pov••

I was scared. I mean, Eleanor, has been the B I G G E S T stalker ever.

How did she even find out where we where staying? I mean, we were in a private part of the beach.

"What happened?" Asked Lou scared


While Harry and I were kissing we heared a crash.

I immediatly thought it was the stool falling over the bed, but it wasnt. Harry pulled away and looked around.

"Did you hear that?" He asked paniked.

"Yeah, lets go check downstairs, maybe the guys are back" I said trying to stay calm.

We walked downstairs quietly.

We checked the kitche. Nothing.

We checked the music room. Nothing.

But when we got to the Livingroom we was a girl sitting on the couch.

She looked at us. Eleanor.

"What are you doing here?" I aske rather harshly.

"What? Can a girl not see her friends now?" She asked getting up walking towards Harry ignoring me.

"But how did you know we were here?" Harry asked backing away from her.

"Please, Liam always talked about this old beach house," she said walking to the kitchen.

"What the fuck do you want? Im pretty sure Lou doesnt want anything to do with you" I said.

"Why would you say that Z?" She asked finally loking at me

I rolled my eyes," none of your concern" i said crossing my arms

She smirked, "Why? Its not like Louis got another girlfriend right Harry?" She pouted.

I gaged. So gross.

"As a matter of fact he does" Harry said smirking at her.

"What do you mean he has a girlfriend?!" She squealed. Haha sounding like a piggy.

I chucked, as I pictured her with a pig'e nose, ears and tail.

"What's soo funny Zayn?"

"I just imagined you as a pi- "

Harry covered my mouth with his hand.

"Nothing now, leave!" Harry yelled.

"Okay on one condition, You tell Louis, to break up with his grilfriend, or else" she threatened walking away.

Harry's hand fell from my mouth shoked. I couldnt believe it.

She wanted to get back with Lou

••End Of Flashback••

"Wait so let me get this straight, she wants Lou, to break up with Bethany, or else?" Niall asked for the 100 time.

"Yes Niall, gosh, for once just try to understand and please, be quiet!" Lou said annoyed.

"Hey Lou you dont have to yell at Niall!" I yelled at him.

What? Its not my fault I get protective of him.

"Im sorry, Ni, its just that Im annoyed," Louis said trying to hug Niall. But Niall pushed him away. Stomping off to the kitchen.

"Hey guys, well Beth is asleep, what are we going to do about this phycopathic whore, who wants to destroy lives?" Tarah asked sitting on the couch.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now