plan in action!

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QUICK NOTE!! ITS MY LAST UPLOAD UNTIL I GET TO ALABAMA OR SOMEOTHER TIME!! IN 5 DAYS!! Enjoy! Also, I dont know why but I just cant write myself being with Liam.. sadly!! I feel self centered!! Haha ill try!


••Harry's Pov••

"I am not breaking up with Bethany!" Lou yelled

"Yeah, or me, but with Tarah... you kno what I mean!!" Niall yelled pulling Tarah close. She giggled and put her arms around his waist.

"Liam what do we do?"

"I dont know, Louis! You're the one that always has "evil plans" com up with one!!" He yelled putting air quotations on evil plan.

"Okay, well then maybe we do what Haydn wants."

"Holy shit! Did you just say that?!" I asked shoked! What Louis Tomlinson doing what somebody wants.!

"No!! We do what he wants, but pretend to be with them, announce it on tv, get Zayn back, say that we never were with them, and that's it!" Louis yelled.

"I dont think that will work!"

"We have to try!! We have an interview in two days, call Haydn and tell him to give up Zayn!" Lou yelled.

"Okay" we all agreed.

Please let this work!


Two Day's later


We were on the way to our interview already.

"Harry, its going to be okay," Lou said rubbng my knee.

I nodded.

I was nervous as fuck! i was shaking my knee uncontrollably.

"Hello my name is Ethan and we have Hary, Niall, Louis and Liam with us boys come on out!!" Ethan the interviewer said.

"Hello!" We all said

"Boys we heared Zayn was missing how are you guys coping with that?"

"Its...erm.. really dificult, I really I mean we really miss erm.. him" I said honestly.

"Awww" the crowd said.

"Okay, these lovely ladies want to know who's single who's not?"

"Louis, and Liam are dating somebody"

"While Harry and I are single" Niall said frowning.

"Louis, Liam who are you dating?"

"Sad-" I elbowed him.

"I mean Eleanor" he said almost gagging.

"And I am dating Danielle" Liam said sadly.

I sighed.

"You got back with those ladies? What happened to Bethany and Niall what happened with Tarah?"

"We got thre- ermm... we I dont know what happned"

"So where do you think Zayn is?"

"Hopefully he's coming home soon!" I yelled wiping my eyes. Not again.

"What about Malena? Was she dating one of you?" Ethan asked

"Ermm.. not yet, but I have a feeling she FANCIES Liam!!!" I said smiling really wide.

"She fancies liam? But isnt Liam with Danielle?"

"Yes but, shut up!" Nial said not knowing how to explain it.

"Well be right back with the boys singing More Than This!" Ethan yelled


Im being forced to sleep!! Sorry if it sucked!!!!!p

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