She Returns!!

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Well!! I have 600+ reads alreadyy and I am sooo freaking happy!! I fucking love this!

And again My Cousin wants me to do a sex scene here, if I do, One question Who would be ontop Hazza or Zaynnie?


••Harry's Pov••

I sighed, his slave? Really? And he's taking me on a date tomorrow?

I was kinda happy at the thought but then, wasnt he 'ill' so, how was that date going to happen?

I poured soup into a bowl, an placed it on a stool, like thing and poured him something for him to drink then took it upstairs.

"Zayn open the door!" I yelled

"Slaves make things work, I am*cough* ill, I bearly have *cough* any strenght to *sniff* get up" he faked being sick.

I sighed holding the stool with one hand balincing it out with my hip.

I opened the door to see Zayn laying down in bed shirtless and half of his body covered with two blankets.

I waked over to him rasing a brow at him,"Really?" I asked

I placed the stool on his lap about to walk away when he grabbed onto my wrist.

"Yes?" I asked looking at him.

"Can you feed me?" He asked looking at me innocently, with a puppy dog look, pouting at me.

"No I want to get food!" I whined.

"Pleasee!" He whined pouting even more sticking his bottom lip even more.

"No- ugh, fine," i sighed defeated. I grabbed a chair and sat at the edge of his bed. I grabbed the spoon diping it into the bowl.

I guided it to his mouth waiting for him to open his mouth.

"Umm, Zayn? You need to open your mouth buddy" i said looking at him.

"But I might burn my mouth, blow it!"

I started laughing. Haha blow it.

"What's so funny?" He asked puzzeld

"Y-You B-b-blow i-it!" I said between laughs.

He cought on and started laughing.

"Shut up and feed me!" He said more seriously.

I stiffled a few laughs and blew on the hot liquid.

"Here, now open!" I demanded.

He opened his mouth and i placed the spoon in his mouth. We were looking into each others eyes while I fed him.

"Im full!" He yelled pushing the now empty bowl and cup away from him.

"What's there left to eat?" I asked looking at him.

He leaned in a bit, he looked at my lips.

I bit them.

"Stop doing that" he said still looking at them.

He was leaning in, I leaned in too brushing my lips against his. He finally pressed his lips to mine. He turned to face me, our lips still connected, when we heared a crash.

••Liam's Pov••

I sighed looking at all the happy couples.

Bethany and Lou were in the water splashing eachother giggling like crazy. Lou fell and started to scream, Bethany ran up to him when he pulled her by the waist pecking her lips.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now