Hmm .. Cakes?

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..My Goodness guyyss!! I am in serious Pain(My fingers had automatically written Payne,) anyways ugh, my ovaries, are litterallly exploding! And Im probably going to be in bed all day, cause, that's how much it hurts. Anyways, enjoy this chapter! It might be a bit rubish since I am being moody!(: but I got my pillowpet and Im ready,

Also, what's up with Boobear and Boobear#2?



°°Harry Pov••

I woke up, and Zayn wasnt with me anymore. I looked around the room and smiled.

"We're in Vegas baby!" I yelled falling back on the bed.

"Are you that excited about Vegas baby?" I heared Zayn ask.

"Holy shit, where the fuck are you?"

"Im right here!" He yelled standing up from behind our suitcases.

"So you were hiding?"

"No, I was looking for a... comb" he said blushing.

"You're too cute, Its in the duffle bag" I said pointing at the bag.

"I knew that, I was just testing you to see if you knew were it was" He said walking to the back.

"Okay, babe, what are we doing today, and we also have to tell the rest about Liam's birthday pland!" I said going to the restroom.

I went to the restroom[••Reminds me of the time he said he had to take a wee anybody? No.. okay•] did my buisness. Zayn walked in and started to do his hair.

"Zayn can I wash mu hands?"

"Fine , always ruining my hair time!" He mumbled to himself moving slightly.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "you proabably care more about your hair than me" I said shrugging.

"We already went over this, did we not? I love you, care for you, more than anything in the world!" He said putting his head on the crook of my neck. He started to kiss my neck.

I tried to concentrate on washing my hands but I couldnt with him kissing my neck.

I leaned my head back. He bit my neck.


I bit back a moan. A knock on the door made us pull apart.

My hands were all wrinkly from being under the water too much.

I sighed and I walked to the door.

I saw Liam, Louis, and Niall standing there.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Oh, nothing the girls are still asleep, and well, WE are bored."

"Would you like us to wake them up?" I asked

"Nah, it's okay, lets just grab something to eat and bring it back for them" Niall said rubbing his stomach.

I rolled my eyes, "Zayn, want to go get food?"

"Yeah sure where are we going?" He yelled back from the restroom.

"I dunno, we'll figure it out when we get there" I said. I waved the guys in and I looked at Louis. I stoped him and pulled him outside.

"Why are you upset with Bethany?"

"Because she decided to fight with a girl, after I told her it wasnt worth it, and she pushed me away,"

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now