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••Harry's Pov•

After the guy said we were on commercial, we gpt off the stage.

"I find it quite funny that we have to sing More Than This" Liam said as we walked in some random direction.

I felt my phone vibrate.

It was a text from Haydn.

'Take the ladies out on a date, make sure people know you're back with them"

"Hey guys!! Guess what Haydn said!" I yelled ar the guys.

We all huddled while I read the message.

"Whhaaat???? Its bad enough that I have to call her my girlfrieeend!!! Tell him noo!! Liiiaamm!!" Louis whined, stompping his foot.

"But that wasnt part of the plan! Now he wants us to do something else? That's not fair" Liam said

"Boys you're back on!" A guy yelled at us.

"Bitch" I whispered to myself.

We walked on the stage.

"Okay since Zayn isnt here, Harry you take over Zayn's part," He said pointing at Liam.

"But I'm Harry!" I said pointing at my myself.

"Okay, whatever just sing when I tell you!" He said annoyed.

I rolled my eyes

He gave us the signal and we started to sing.

[••I would write the lyrics but I have to do a quick upload!!••]

I honestly didnt want to sing. It didnt feel right without Zayn.

But we had to. Show must go on huh? No!! Not when one one your members is missing. I wonndered off.

"Harry watch ou-"

What? I looked back, but kept on walking. I crashed into a lights thing making it fall to the ground breaking. I looked around. I was about to pick it up, when Paul came out, "Really Harry? Did you really just break a 5,000 dollar piece of equipment? Harry what did you do?"

"I would blame it on Niall but, nevermind, I just accedently didnt see it there, besides! Who leaves something expensive just randomly in a hallway, where you can easily bump into it when youre not paying attention?" I reasoned.

He sighed rubbing his temple.

The boys laughed.

I shrugged,"Im hungry, can we get food?" I asked

"Hey!! That's my line!" Niall complained.

"Oh well, sorry!"

"Paul!!!! Owww help mee!!! I have a craaammppp!!! Owwww!! Dude it hurtss!!!" Louis yelled falling to the ground.

Paul picked him up, throwing him over his shoulder. Louis smirked at us when he passed by.

That filthy liar.

"Hey Paullyy!! You forgooot meeeee!!!" I yelled

Catching up to him.

I jumped up, and put my legs around his, holding his neck.

Niall ran towards the car bangin on the window, "Hurryyy uppp!!!!! Since we have no NANDOS!! HURRYYY!!! WE NEED FOOOOD!!" He yelled jumping on the hood of the car.

"Niall, get off of the car!" Liam yelled.

Louis jumped off of Paul runing towards Niall, getting on the hood.

Then Started doing 'the macarena'. I laughed and jumped off of paul.

I ran behind Liam, making him, fall to the ground. I stood up, looking at him.

"What are you doing on the floor?" I asked innocently

"Ha-ha very funny now you have to carry me!!" He yelled getting up chasing me.

"Nooo!" I yelled running away from him.

"Guys, lets go!" Paul yelled.

I kept running away from Liam until he got me.

I pouted,"No fair!" [••Fun Fact for ya!! Liam was inlisted fot this years Olimpics••]

"Hurry up!" He yelled still on my back.

I tried to run with him on my back but couldnt. So I just walked over there.

"Its about timee!! Paull!! I want foood npw!! Before my baby penguin come out and," Paul gave him a look, "and HUGS you" he said quickly.

"Yes, I wouldnt want that to happen now would I?" Paul joked.

"Hey! I'll have you know, that people love my hugs!! I mean who doesnt want a Horan hug?!" He yelled.

"I dont!!" I yelled

"I didnt want to give you a hud anyhow!"

"Hey guys! Isnt that Haydn!?" Louis yelled pointing at Haydn at Taco Bell.

"Paull!!! I want TacoBell!!!" I yelled.

"Whatever." He said

He pulled in. And we jumped put of the moving car, children, please do not try this at home, we are no-paid idiots, so we will be fine!

"Wait here!" I yelled at Paul

We all ran towards the inside to see Haydn, With Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie

I took a couple of pictures going to use those later.

I walked up behind him ignoring the calls of the boys.

I pulled him by the collar and punched him.

"Where the fuck do you have Zayn?" I yelled pinning him on an empty table.

"I dont know what you're talking about!" He said calmly.

"You know exactly what I'm fucking talking about, now where the fuck is Zayn? We did what you fucking wanted, they said they were with them, now its your turn of the deal" i said

"But I decided to add a little something extra" he said

"Dont make me fucking kill you right now, where the fuck is Zayn!" I yelled

"Harry!! No!!" The boys yelled TRYING to pull me away from him

Yea youre going to have to try harder that

I felt myself being lifted off of Haydn. I was trying to reach him, but they pulled me back.

I saw Paul pulling me away.

"Let me go!! That bastard has Zayn! Paul let me go! He made do all of this!" I yelled trying to get out of his grip.

"No Harry you cant get in trouble." He said.

I accendently kneed his, balls, he let me go clutching his parts. I made a run for Haydn,but Liam caught me.

"Let it go!"

"No! He has Zayn!! We- I need Zayn back!" I yelled my voice breaking at the end.

I want Zayn! I dont care what happends, I want Zayn, I dont give a shit, what I have to do, I'm geting Zayn with or without help. Haydn passed by me bumping shoulders with Liam. Lou, and Niall were getting food. I was breathing heavly[•Dont know how to spell that•] I wa about to go at him again but Paul stepped infront of me.

Im not done with him!


Aaaannnnddd SCENE!

Haha well TacoBell was fun!

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