Peice of Cake

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Okay*hides face* slight sexual content in this chapter, so if you cant handle it like me*points at door* gtfo cause I basically just got over that. Pleaseee!!! Dont judge!! Ask WhatsAnAwsomeName she knows I dont like sex scenes!! Neither do I like writing them, for a person who is really perverted I find that quite wierd! But anywho, I thought what the fuck? Lets give these perverted readers something to read. Haha Enjoy, but not too much!(; oh and by the way "°°" those circles mean thoughts!!


°°Sorry for all of my spelling errors! Im too lazy to edit it, and autocorrect sucks and sometimes gets the word wrong.°°

••Zayn's Pov••

Holy Fucking shit!! Oh shit I told him... he hasnt slapped me yet.. is that good or bad?

I looked at Harry was looking down.

I knew it, It was too soon to tell him, and npw I've made a complete fool of myself, confesing my love for him.

"Zayn, are you sure? I mean are you really really sure that you maybe inlove with me? Because Im not in a good mood, since you've been missing and I really dont want to-"

I cut him off by kissing him.

Hmm.. Maybe that is a good way to shut him off.

"Ihm bwenh sewriosuhs"

I pulled away "What?"

"I said Im being serious! Zayn, I dont want to end up falling for you even more than I already am."

"You dont believe me? Well how can I show you that I do love you?" I asked really wanting to know.

Trust me, I am willing to do whatever it takes to get him to kno how much I love him.

"I dont know, just show me" he said shrugging.

Hmm, its up to me. Well now I have to go to the girls to see what I can do.

"And I want you to do something not the girls!" he said smirking at me.

I groaned. "No fair, oh wait I know I'll see you later babe!" I said pecking his lips walking out.

Okay Zayn, mission "Get Harry to know you love him" is now in progress.

But what the fuck should I do?

••Harry's Pov••

Okay, Now I wonder what Zayn is going to do. I cant help but feel like this isnt going to be worth anything.

What if Managemeny says no?

What if this is all a dream!?

I pinched myself. Nope its real life.

I wonder what Haydn did to get on my mom's bad side.

I layed there in my bed. Thinking of how Zayn was going to show me he loved me.

••Random Pov••

The next few days all of the boys had work to do. They did performances, interviews and signings. Zayn was still trying to figure out how to show Harry that he did love him.

During this time, Harry thought Zayn had forgotten about the whole 'Show me you love me' debacle. Now he was trully starting to believe Zayn didnt feel the same way.

Zayn caught up in his own little world hadnt realized how Harry started changing his point of view. Zayn spent days figuring out how to show Harry how he really felt, but nlthing perfect enough came to his mind.

One night Louis, Liam and Niall talked to the girls about the boys' change of mood.

"Has anybody talked to Zayn?" Liam asked worried about Zayn. Zayn maybe known for being mysterious and quiet, but not like this. It worried him to see his friend like this.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now