that tease!

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Liam's POV!(:


I piched the bridge of my nose sighing.

"Li, it wasnt that bad!!" Harry yelled.

"It wasnt bad? What happened??!" I yelled getting angrier by the second.

"I.. ermm.. I was.. at a bar.. and.. ermm.. I umm, kissed a guy?" He said sounding unsure of himself.

"Of course you kissed a fucking guy you idiot!! Why did you do it in public?!"

"Li, please calm down Im sure he doent want to come out yet, just leave him alone" Zayn told me clicking away on his BlackBerry.

Proabably talking to Claire, the girl she met at Six Flags.

Harry glared at him.

"Zayn, do you know what that means?!" I yelled thinking of the concequences.

"Guys please stop fighting it isnt going to solve anything, just chill, eat a carrot, drink some tea and chill!" Lou said grabbing a carrot from the fridge, "guys remind me to get mre carrots tomorrow! I only have one left!" He said pouting.

"Are you gay Harry?" I asked looking at him.

"Yes.. no.. I think so.." he said shaking his hair.

"Well we have an interview tomorrow Simon said they're going to talk about your situation." I said not knowing how to put it.

"Well guys Im leaving Niall? Are you coming?"

"Hahah that's what she said!!" Louis yelled.

"Ha..ha..ha Ni?"

"Okay later boys!" Niall said walking out with me.

"So you and Tarah huh?" I asked

"Yeah, we're going on a date tomorrow,!" He helled happily.

I nodded, and waved once he got to his apartment.

I walked into mine and fell to sleep right away.


I was sitting on a barstool.

Today was an odd day. For one Harry is Gay.

Two, I saw him geting jelous of me and Claire

It was sooo obvious! He acctually looked hot jelous.

Yeah, im bi! Suprise!!:D

I stayed in Harry and Lou's appartment for a while. I was texting Claire, no offence to her but that bitch is annoying.

She seriously was throwing herself at me.

The whole time we were at SixFlags she was acctually quite nice. But then she would kep grabbing my hand.

I saw Lou getting up and kiss Harry's cheek and mumble a good night.

I smirked.

Lets have fun!

I saw Harry lean his head back into the couch.

I took this opportunity to walk over to him and

(A/N I SERIOUSLY CANT BELIEVE IM WRITTING THIS!) Straddled him with each of my knees on either side of his hips.

He lifted his head up to see me.

I smirked at him, "Are you sure you're not gay?" I said kissing down his neck.

He stiffened, "Z-Zayn s-stop Please" he stuttered.

I found his soft spot and I started to suck on the warm skin.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now