A secret told, and a mistake

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[••Hopefully this is true••]

••Bethany's Pov••

I slammed the door.

I sighed rubbing my head. I sighned into skype and called Malena.

"Hey BooBear!! What's up? You look upset?" She asked.

"Well one of Lou's ex's, just announced that she is after me!" I yelled trying hard not cried.

"Oh, that bitch, she's lucky Im here in San Antonio, cause I would fucking fix that bitches face!" She announced, cracking her knuckles.

"Haha, Right? Eleanor, is really pising me off though, she said that the guy's secret. What is she talking about?"

"Well maybe because Harry and Zayn were having eye sex before, th power was cut. It was pretty fuking cute!" She said happy, "oh look its Aiden!" She yelled picking up a baby.

"Hes soo cute!" I screamed.

"I know!"

"Hey There is somebody at the door" i said getting up opening the door.

I saw Tarah standing there smiling i waved her inside, and saw they buys huddled around Lou.

I bit my lip. I wasnt mad at him, just pisse off about that girl, I mean who the fuck is she to tell me to break up with Lou. Does she have a life?

Lou saw me, and I closed the door and went to sit on my bed.

"BabyCakes, this is Tarah, Tarah, Malena!" I said introducing them

"Hey!" Malena said.


"Hey so what happened with Lou?" She asked

"Well, His ex, is a phycopath, she broke into the house, then, she sent a deathnote like note, and she said Aww BooBear#2 I dont think so. Your secrets safe with me boys*wink*. Enjoy your last two days" Tarah explained.

"If I didnt know anybetter, I would say, that bitch is jelous!! Haha! Boo she's tripping! I bet right now she's crying her eyes out cause Lou has somebody better!" She said giving me her famous 'I got a plan' look smirking.

"What's on you mind?" I asked narrowing my eyes at her.

She sighed, "Oh Nothing" she said leaning back. "Nothing at all, hey! Tarah I need your number!" She said looking at Tarah.

"Okay! Hey well you guys stay and chat, Ima go talk to Niall, "

"Okay hey Tarah! Im Going to text you kay?" Malena asked.

Tarah noded and walked off.

"Boo, you have to talk to Lou!! He didnt mean to have an obbsesive ex girlfriend!" Malena said trying to reason with me

"I know. I know but, Im just scared ya'know, what if he does leave me, then ends up getting back with her?"

••Harry's POV••

I looked at Zayn, "What do you think will happen?" I asked putting my arm around his waist snuggling into his chest.

"Im not sure"

"Zayn arent you supposed to be in bed? You are ill after all arent you?" Liam asked giving him a knowing look, then a confused one, when he saw us cuddling.

[••woah, just got reaaally dizzy••]

"Um yeah, Hazza here, was just giving me a hug, my mom used to give me hugs and cuddke with me when I got ill, so Haz is filling in for my mom" Zayn lied easily.

This.. This isnt happening right? (Zarry Stylik)Where stories live. Discover now