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"I know there's still good in him," Rey assured as she followed Luke Skywalker up the hills.

"How would you know?

"I-I've felt it..."

Luke turned to face her.

"You've 'felt it'? How did you?" He added as Rey nodded.

"When our hands touched... I saw his future... and it was light, no shadow, or darkness. I assure you! Let me save him! I'm sure I can, there's a way... there's always a way..." She whispered her last words.

But Luke looked at her, his eyes full of sadness: he knew there was nothing to do: Ben was dead, Kylo Ren had killed him. A bitter smile stretched his face a little as he remembered Obi-Wan Kenobi telling him Darth Vader had killed Anakin Skywalker, which was an image to say that his father had chosen the dark side...

"You succeeded in bringing your father back," Rey continued, cutting Luke's thoughts, "because you saw and felt the light inside him, the conflict howling in his heart and tearing him apart. I saw that conflict in Ben's mind and felt it. Let me try to save him. Please...

"Why do you want to save him so badly, young Rey?" Luke simply asked.

"I don't really know," she admitted as she fixed her eyes on the ground.

Luke stared at her for a moment, thinking.

"I will tell you my answer tomorrow. It is time for you to go and rest," Luke finally said.

Rey sighed, but didn't dare to say anything against the order, and obeyed. She went back to the little stone house and lied down on the hard mattress. She curled herself into a ball and fell asleep, while thinking about a plan to escape the island if Master Luke would ever forbid her to go save Ben.

Meanwhile, Luke walked up a few hills, and decided to go to the Jedi's tree, hoping to find Master Yoda. He did, and sighed, relieved. The old creature was sitting down on a rock, and looked at the Jedi, with a gin.

"I know what it is that troubles you." Yoda said. "My advice you want, young Luke.

"I do, Master Yoda... The young Rey...


"She's asking me to go save Ben Solo. But you know how dangerous it is: she'll have to face their Supreme Leader, and fight Ben, and what if he kills her? I haven't finished training her... I saw how strong she is: the force is very powerful in her. I haven't seen that in a long time, and it worries me...

"Your worries I know, Luke. But a strong girl she is. A Jedi she will become. The force is strong with her indeed, I've felt it too. Trust her you must. Our only hope she is...

"Only hope?

"You have closed your heart to the force, young Skywalker. And your sister Leia, is not a Jedi. Young Rey we need. Have you forgotten who is her father?

"No, I haven't. How could I?" Luke sighed. "I place all my hopes in her hands. She is powerful, and I know, deep inside me, that she can bring him back. But her power frightens me: she can be easily driven to the dark side, and that would be the end of the Jedi...

"Do not let the fear drive you, young Skywalker. The young Rey, a powerful Jedi she'll become! Trust her you must."

Luke Skywalker looked at his master, and didn't reply. He knew he was right. But he wanted to protect Rey. He wanted her to stay in the light. But she had to pass the test first, she had to fight Kylo Ren, and maybe even the Supreme Leader, who knows? He fought his own father, and he was as strong as Rey was now. She could do it. He had to trust her, to believe in her. He turned to Yoda, and sighed.

The Final Choice (A Reylo Fanfiction) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now