Chapter Thirteen

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Lying on the bed, completely naked, with just a thin cover on them, Kylo and Rey had fallen asleep after long but amazing activities.

Ben woke up first. He looked at Rey, still asleep, her head was leaning on his chest, one hand going up to his shoulder. His arm was going down her body to her waist. He moved his hand up to her head and carressed her hair. Rey woke up at the soft touch, but she didn't open her eyes, scared that it would end. She wondered if what was happening was real. Kylo Ren, that killing machine, the man she had called a monster, had been the most gentle, tender, sweet and soft person she'd ever met. The few hours they had spent together, those beautiful hours where he had made love to her, were the best thing that had ever happened to her. Being with Ben felt so right, so good, so soothing... she hoped it could be like this forever.

"We should run away and hide, and spend the rest of our life together," Rey whispered.

Ben smiled and chuckled. Rey lifted her face and looked at him with a soft smile. He plunged his dark eyes into hers.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered. "I love you.

"I love you," Rey murmured before kissing his bare chest.

Ben rolled on Rey and looked at her with a wicked smile.

"You know we have a lot of time to spare before arriving, right?

"Oh, that I know!" She exclaimed with a smirk.

She took Ben's face and kissed his lips. Ben answered and deepened the kiss. Rey pulled away and gazed at Kylo.

"I'm sorry I didn't come earlier." She said.

"I'm sorry too. But now, we're together, and that's what matters now." Ben replied before kissing her again.

He trailed his kisses down her jaw, to her neck. He looked at her again, and there they were again, showing each other how much they loved each other.

A few hours later, after those soft amazing activities and after sleeping a little more, Rey got up and went to get dressed.

"Where are you going?" Ben asked yawning.

"Getting dressed of course!" Rey smiled.

"So soon?" Ben complained. "Won't you come back?

"Honey, we have to speed a little. The Resistance and the First Order are going to come after us..."

Kylo Ren smiled when Rey called him 'honey'. He liked it.

"Eh... won't be a first for either one of us..." Ben shrugged.

"Still. We have to hurry. Come with me? Goodness, I really need a shower!

"Tell me about it!" Kylo smirked.

Rey approached the bed and kissed Kylo Ren's forehead.

"I had the most wonderful night ever," she whispered.

Kylo Ren grabbed her waist and pulled her on the bed, and kissed her again. Rey laughed and tried to break free from his arms around her and his soft tender lips kissing her neck.

"Ben! Let go!" She cried out. "I have to go to the cockpit!

"Alright, alright! Fine!" Kylo pouted.

"You're so adorable!" Rey giggled.

She got dressed and left the small room and headed towards the cockpit. Kylo Ren stayed a little more in the bed, thinking. This night had been wonderful, and now, he was so scared to lose her again. He remembered when he was a little boy, and he wanted to marry Rey. And now, eighteen years later, he still wanted that: live with her, love her, cherish her, in sickness and in health, in happiness and in sorrow, until the day death parts them. Never would he love anyone else. Rey was the only woman in his life. The only woman he wanted to love forever. What if they settled in a small village, and never fight anymore, no First Order, no Resistance, just them two and the rest of the universe. He got up, got dressed and went to join Rey. She was standing, contemplating the stars, leaning on the seat. He enfolded her waist and leaned his chin on the top of her head (she was so small compare to him). Rey was surprised, but the touch was so soft she let herself sink into the embrace.

"Rey, my love," Ben whispered. "I wish we could settle somewhere calm, where no one can find us, and live there, together, until we die.

"What do you mean? What about the Resistance and the First Order?

"Forget about them. The First Order doesn't have any Supreme Leader anymore, they will lose the battle. The Resistance will win the war, the galaxy will be peaceful again. If I go back, it will be a disaster. You know it.

"So where do you want to go?" Rey asked with a smile, turning around to face Kylo Ren. She swung her arms around his neck and gazed at him.

"I know a planet no one knows, lost in the depths of the galaxy, I know no one will come look for us here.

"What's it called?


"What? Did you just make that up?

"No, I didn't. I know this planet. I've been there once. It's quiet, there are small villages, people are peaceful, working the earth, it's a small paradise.

"Sounds good to me," Rey smiled before kissing Kylo.

"Better go now, before anyone has the stupid idea of following us," he replied pulling away.

"Okay, let's go then."

At light speed, they soon arrived near Pemkta. They landed on a field of bright green grass. A group of five men arrived running towards them, not looking very happy.

"Oops... maybe it was a field they were working on...


"I'm sorry I didn't know!

"We'll explain our situation."

Rey went out of the ship, Kylo Ren walking next to her. The five men stopped in front of them, puzzled. Rey frowned: why did they look so surprised?

"Who are you?" A man said.

"Fugitives," Kylo answered. "From the First Order."

Rey fought the urge of looking at Kylo Ren. His explanation was way better than what she had in mind.

"My fiancée and I managed to escape, and we're seeking help and a place to hide."

Fiancée? Why did Ben said she was his fiancée?

"I knew that planet because I lived there a few years, and I know you're welcoming. The First Order doesn't know you exist. You're our last hope."

The five men looked at each other and nodded.

"Come," one of them said. "We'll find you a house, and you'll be able to wash and sleep. You look exhausted."

The five men guided them towards the small village, and leaded them to a little house, where they entered. It was a lovely home, comfortable, and had everything needed: bed, shower, couch, seats, table, kitchen, well pretty much everything you can find in a normal house.

"We'll let you settle. You're invited to dine with us, around 8.

"We will, thanks!" Rey replied with a smile.

They closed the door, and settled down.

The Final Choice (A Reylo Fanfiction) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now