Chapter Six

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Kylo Ren had tried to kill Luke Skywalker when he saw him standing in front of the Rebel's base. He had concentrated all the fire on him. He had fought him, face to face when he realised he had survived the lasers. He had put his lightsabre through him, and to his horror, it had gone through him, but hadn't killed him like it should have. And that was because Luke wasn't here. What had been standing in front of Kylo Ren, and had fought against him, was only a spirit, a shadow. Luke had stayed on his island, and using the Force, he had come to Kylo Ren. After their fight, he had desapeared, leaving an angry and confused Kylo Ren. His last words for his nephew were words that would stay in his mind for a long time...

"Come back to Rey," he had said.

How confusing was that! The world around him felt numb when he walked back to the ship. He was in another world, and everything around him felt unreal. He looked at General Hux, his eyes somewhere else... He walked into the ship, then to his room, and threw himself on his bed. He closed his eyes, and immediately, Rey appeared, a soft smile on her lips, holding her hand up to him, like an invitation to join him. He smiled at the sweet vision, his heart's only desire being to join her. He held his hand up to her, and as he was about to touch her fingers, he was interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

"Supreme Leader!!" The low and terribly anoying voice of the General called. "We need you. What are your orders?"

Kylo Ren was about to chase him angrily, when he suddenly sat up on his bed: where was Rey? She had come here in the Millennium Falcon, and fired at them. Where was she? And where were all the rebels? He got up and opened the door. Hux was there, his red brows furrowed. Kylo Ren glanced at him with exasperation. 

"What is it, General?" He sighed.

"The Rebels, Supreme Leader...

"What about them?" Kylo Ren asked suddenly interested.

"They left.


"They ran away with the Millennium Falcon...

"How--" Kylo Ren started. But he interrupted himself. The answer was obvious: Rey. He couldn't help but smile, thinking how smart she was. "Prepare the ship, we're following them." He ordered, a smirk on the corner of his lips.

Hux frowned, but didn't reply. He went away shouting orders. Kylo Ren winced. Goodness! That man was seriously irritating! And his voice! Couldn't he just cut his tongue? Kylo Ren snorted with contempt, and went back to his room, and laid down on his bed. He was truly exhausted. He had to rest. But whenever he closed his eyes, Rey appeared, her eyes pleading him to come back, and the conflict raised once again in his heart. He tried to chase it away, but it kept coming back. He finally got up, went to a small sink, and sprayed water on his face. Leaning his hands on the sink, he took a few deep breathes, and looked at himself in the mirror. His black shoulder-length hair were wet with sweat; under his eyes were dark circles from the nights he had spent staying awake thinking; and he looked pale. Kylo Ren sighed. He didn't look attractive at all, and was a little scary. He decided to go and have a shower, hoping it would relax him, and help him sleeping. So he did.
The boiling-hot water was running on his sore body, unwiding every painful muscle, and relaxing him. He closed his eyes, letting the water flowing, and warming him. When he opened his eyes, it seemed like an hour had passed. He turned the water off, and stepped out the shower, to walk to his bed, where, after having put some pants on, he let himself sink onto the bed. He curled himself into a ball, under the soft duvet. Closing his eyes, he let a big sigh out. Once again, Rey appeared. But this time, she had a calming and sweet gaze, and a soft smile on her lips. Kylo Ren gazed at the sweet vision, and smiled. It was definitely relaxing, and Kylo Ren felt himself slowly fall asleep.

Hard knocks on his door made him wake up with a jolt. He groaned and went to open the door, when he suddenly stopped himself halfway. Something was wrong... or right? He felt a presence. He ducked his head trying to understand what it was, or more like who it was. He frowned. It was suddenly obvious. Rey! A sweet shiver ran through his body. She was close. But where was she? Was she in the ship? Was it just his mind playing him a trick? The knocks became more persistent, and the terribly anoying voice of General Hux called him. Kylo Ren gritted his teeth: he really hated the man. He finally opened his door rolling his eyes.

"What is it now, General?!"

Hux stared at Kylo Ren's bare chest, and an evil smile curled his lips: oh how vulnerable Kylo Ren was at that moment! And now he wished he had a weapon right now. The opportunity of killing him was right there, and he couldn't do anything! Ugh! But now was not the time to think about that.

"General?" Kylo Ren repeated raising an eyebrow.

Hux jumped and shook his head. He had been staring at the Supreme Leader way too much time. He looked at him in the eyes, and hardened his features.

"We found the Rebels.

"What do you mean?

"The Millennium Falcon has been spotted and had appeared several times on the screens. They are not far from us."

He understood now why he had felt Rey's presence. She was there! He felt so relieved, and so happy about it. Why was that? He was becoming crazy...

"I'll be there in a few minutes."

Hux turned around and started to walk away.


Hux stopped and turned his face to the young Jedi.

"How long was I asleep?

"Nearly seven hours, Supreme Leader."

Kylo Ren smiled with satisfaction. Good. He closed his door and quickly got dressed.

"Prepare the canons." Kylo Ren ordered to the officers. Hux and Kylo were standing next to each other, hands behind their back, staring at the dark universe. "So where are they?

"Right here," Hux answered pointing at a white spot in the dark sky.

Kylo Ren narrowed his eyes. 'There you are, Rey', he thought with a small smile. A sigh of relief crossed his lips. He was going to see her again. And she was going to tell him to join her. But he would surely tell her to join him... And maybe this time she would come. He hoped.

"Fire!" Hux shouted.

Kylo Ren resisted the urge to knock him out.

"Don't destroy them, just paralyze them. Make them weak, so they'll have to come here." Kylo Ren ordered.

Hux nodded and repeated the order. One shot was fine. They waited, and finally saw a small ship coming out of the Falcon, and heading towards them. Probably a bargain... Kylo Ren turned his back to the cockpit's window, and walked away, to where the ships were prepared. He was waiting for the ship to arrive. But as he thought it was arriving, it suddenly turned around to go back to the Falcon. He frowned, and stared at the empty sky. After a few minutes, it came back towards him, and landed on the shiny floor of the great hall of the base ship. Kylo Ren didn't move as he waited for the small door to open. He was waiting for Rey to appear. The door opened, and a small old lady came down.


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