Chapter Nineteen

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(A/N) Hello lovely readers! Quick note to say that this chapter will be longer than the others because of a few turns of events and informations. Get ready! I love you all! ❤
xoxo Camilla
And a very special thank you to the amazing demirfran for all your lovely comments that make me want to keep going and all your votes!


Ben had taken a simple ship to fly away to where he wanted to go. He had to talk to Rey's father, and tell him how extremely shameful his actions had been. He was angry. He hated the man. Because of him, he had to leave the one person he loved to go to another person he hated. He was scared. What if all this brought the dark side inside his heart? He could feel it. I could feel the rage howling in his heart, and he was unable to control it. He thought about Rey. His beloved wife. And his son, Ani. His family was his anchor. Thinking about them made him feel better. But every time he thought about them, the image of Rey's father came back, clear, with all the words he spat at Rey's face. And anger came back. He was fighting against himself, and it was getting harder and harder. The words of Rey's father kept coming back, louder and louder. Ben was panting and sweating, the fight was not only psychological, but it had become also physical. He kicked the ship's walls, and screamed with anger. He was getting more and more tired of fighting. He was giving up. He couldn't handle it anymore. He knew he was fragile, for he had come back to the light only a few months ago, and the dark side kept kicking in; except he always fought it back. But this time, it was stronger. Stronger than he ever thought it could be. Even thinking about Rey didn't help him. He pressed his hands against his temple and ears, yelling at the voice to go away. But this wasn't really effective... He grew more and more tired, he felt the light abandoning him. He then remembered his grandfather, Anakin. He remembered how peaceful he looked. He remembered that all the people he had met, the good people, from the light, were at peace. They didn't fear anything. He wanted that. He wanted peace. He knew the dark side didn't bring any of those sentiments. In fact, sentiment didn't exist there. It was a forbidden word, a banished word. But still, he loved Rey, and Ani. But his hate kept coming back. He knew he would give up. He knew he was too weak. But he was too far from Rey now, and by the time he'd reach her, he would already have turned to the dark side. It was a risk he couldn't take. He thought that maybe, if he turned to the dark side again, he'd be more powerful to kill Onwa... He was torn apart, again. Once more. He was sick of this feeling. He wanted it to be easier. Finally, his choice was made. He sat up properly and flew away, lightspeed.

He quickly arrived at the First Order's base, and entered without any difficulty. He was welcomed by a very angry Hux. Ah! He had forgotten that annoying face, and irritating voice... the man was just terrible! Why was he here again? That was a good question. He got out of the ship.

"Where were you?" Hux asked, very angry. "It's been ten months! What were you thinking? Abandoning the First Order like this? Are you a Supreme Leader or what?! I've been trying to reach you, you coward! I can't believe--"

General Hux was interrupted, feeling chocked. Kylo Ren looked at him, hate in his eyes.

"I forbid you to speak to me on that tone, General," Kylo said calmly.

"Yes, Supreme Leader..."

Hux took a deep breath as Kylo let go of him.

"Now," Kylo continued, "what happened during my short absence?"

Hux looked at Ren: short absence? Who was he kidding? But he chose not to say anything.

"We had to hide, we were waiting for you to come back. But we built a new weapon--

"Tell me it's not like the others: completely useless?" Kylo interrupted.

"No, Supreme Leader. This time, we've tried everything on it to destroy it, see if it was indestructible, and it is! We'll be able to break the Resistance." Hux announced happily.

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