Chapter Twelve

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They stayed like that for a long time, not wanting to let go of each other. They couldn't.

"I'm sorry," Ben whispered. "If I had known, I would have come back to you--

"Sshh..." Rey said gently, placing a finger on his lips. "It's okay. Now we know."

She plunged her eyes into his, and gazed at him. He looked back at her, and in his eyes was so much love it was impossible to describe it. Kylo Ren approached his face near Rey's, as he placed both his hands on her face, and, softly, he pressed his lips on hers in a perfect, gentle kiss. Rey was surprised, but at that moment, nothing mattered. He was the man she loved, she didn't care about anything else. She was happy. She kissed him back, and placed her arms around his neck, pulling him nearer to her. The kiss became deeper and passionate, and it seemed like their lives depended on it. Finally, they pulled away, gasping for air. Rey laughed and they hugged again.

"Ben," she suddenly said more seriously. "Your mother doesn't want you back, she's scared, and you're not so welcome here... I don't know what to do, I tried everything...

"I'll go. We'll find each other again, I know we will.

"No, Ben. No again; I will not let you go!

"What if they banish you, or kill you? I can't ever lose you!

"Then don't go," she whispered.

Ben looked at her.

"Come with me then. You don't belong with them," Ben said his hands holding hers.

Rey seemed to hesitate. But she stepped closer to Ben.

"Let's go out off here. I'll follow you, anywhere you want. But please, don't stay on the dark side. I still want you to come back to the light."

Ben smiled and seemed so happy, overwhelmed by his happiness.

"Are you sure?

"Yes. Without a doubt." Rey assured.

"I don't know what to say... I... this is...

"It's fine, I'll go and get the Millennium Falcon, and we'll be off."

Rey started to walk away, but Kylo Ren grabbed her arm and pulled her into a kiss. Rey kissed back, and pulled away.

"Okay," she giggled, "now I have to get the ship!

"Okay..." Ben smiled.

Rey ran towards the little ship she had used to go to the field, jumped in it, started it and flew away to the base. There was Poe and Cedric waiting for her.

"Where were you??" Poe exclaimed. "We were looking for you everywhere!

"You shouldn't have. I was safe.

"You've been away for two hours!

"Two hours?? Really? Wow that's a long time!

"Tell me about it..." Cedric groaned.

"Well I'm sorry, but I needed some alone time."

While talking, Rey had jumped off the ship and was walking towards the Millennium Falcon.

"What are you doing?" Poe asked surprised.

"I have to go somewhere." Rey replied casually.

"Where?" Cedric frowned.

"You don't need to know.

"Come on Rey, where are you going? You're so mysterious!

"That's the point," Rey sighed turning her face towards him.

"Won't you tell us what you're doing?

"Nope!" Ray answered with a smile. "Now, let me be, I have to go.

"No we won't!" Cedric said.

"You know I have the force and you know I can use it right?" Rey stated raising an eyebrow.

"No..." Cedric hesitated slowly turning his gaze towards Poe who sighed and ducked his head. "But apparently you do..." he stepped closer to Poe. "So what do we do now? Do we tell General Organa?" He whispered.

"No. We let her go.

"What?!" Cedric hissed. "Are you kidding me? We can't let her go! The General will be so angry!" He said quietly.

"We have to," Poe insisted on the same tone. "She knows what she has to do better than we do...

Cedric stared at Poe, surprised, and narrowed his eyes.

"I guess you're right," Cedric finally admitted.

When they turned towards Rey, they were shocked to see her already inside the Falcon, ready to go. Poe felt the urge to go after her, but he knew he couldn't do anything. He waved at her, and moved away to open the gigantic doors to let her out. Rey smiled at him and flew away.

General Organa felt the presence of her son. He was there. But she could also feel his joy and peaceness, which was very strange. She went to see Rey and ask her if she felt it too, but the young Jedi wasn't there. She called Poe and Cedric, asked them if they knew where she was. But they didn't know either. She ordered them to look for her, too scared to admit that she already knew where she was. Two hours later, the two men came back, saying they didn't find her. Leia became scared.

"You go find her outside the base. I don't care, anywhere she might be. Just find her!" She ordered.

Cedric and Poe were surprised but obeyed. They went to the place where all the ships were, and that's when they found Rey.

Rey flew away to the field. But when she saw general Leia outside, staring at the ship with a sad look on her face, her heart broke a little. But then she remembered what she had told her, she remembered all the lies she had been told her whole life. And most of all, she remembered Ben, the man she loved, and the only person she wanted to be with. And at that moment, there was no doubt, no hesitation: her choice was made.

She quickly landed on the field, and Kylo Ren ran into the Falcon, after looking at his mother, standing far from him.

In the cockpit, Kylo sat down next to Rey and gazed at her. She was so beautiful, and he loved her so much. He was so relieved to be with her, and he still couldn't believe she had agreed on following him.

"I'd follow you to the end of the universe," she said softly.

Ben jumped.

"Are you reading my mind?" He smiled faking to be suspicious.

"You just said that outloud," she giggled.

My! She was adorable! A soft smile stretched his lips. He had to admit that he wanted her. A strong desire he couldn't resist actually.

"Rey?" He whispered.

"Yes?" She smiled.

"Isn't there an 'automatic driving' sort of thing on this ship?

"Sure! Why do you ask?

"Can't you put it on, and come with me?"

His eyes had this flame inside them, and love and desire were all that filled his eyes and heart. Rey gazed at him, and like him, the love she felt for him grew stronger. She did what Kylo Ren asked and they both stood up. They kissed, and this time, there was more passion than ever. Rey ran her hands through Ben's hair, and Kylo Ren put his hands on her waist and pulled her closer to him. Rey guided Ben away from the cockpit, to a little space where a bed and a small table had been placed. They gazed at each other, and there was no doubt or hesitation. They were silently swearing an eternal love to each other, and, slowly, passionately, they consumed their everlasting love...

The Final Choice (A Reylo Fanfiction) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now