Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Poe, I need you," Rey said turning towards the young pilot who was playing with Ani.

"What is it?

"My husband... I mean Ben Solo, has met the Dark Side, who has told him his plan of restoring darkness in the Galaxy. Ben has sent a hundred and one soldiers towards us, to help us build weapons he only has the secret of. We have to tell Leia. While they do that, I want you and Ani to come with me on the Starkiller.

"Rey, this is madness! You can't just fly away to the most dangerous base in the whole Galaxy, and declare them war! Especially if you bring Ani!

"Hear me out," Rey interrupted. "We go there to take Ben and bring him back. He would, by the time we reach him, have taken possession of the Starkiller.

"I still don't think it's a good idea." Poe frowned.

"We'll bring Finn and Rose with us too, and maybe Cedric. That way we will be stronger. I have a plan, Poe, don't worry."

Poe stared at Rey, not so satisfied.

"Fine." He finally said.

An hour later, they were all in the Millennium Falcon, ready to go. Rey knew it was madness in a way. But she felt confident though : she was going to see Ben again. Together, they would finally bring an end to the war, and bring the Dark Side down. She went to a small compartment of the ship and put Ani in a small bed. She watched him sleep, and sighed. He was so small, and yet so intelligent and so strong... the Force was really strong with him, he was already a Jedi. A tiny little Jedi. The thought of her son with a lightsaber made her shiver, and smile at the same time. She finally turned around to join her friends in the cockpit. But when she did she jumped and held a scream.

"I'm sorry, I have startled you," said a soft and beautiful voice.

"What are you doing here master?" She frowned.

"Young Rey, I have come here to warn you : my brother is very powerful, and even though young Ben has found a way of being invisible to him when he needed, you haven't. And your friends can't. He will see you coming. I will be here to protect you, of course, but you still have to be very careful.

"I will," Rey promised.

"I've asked Masters Luke Skywalker, Yoda and Anakin Skywalker to protect you, your child and your friends. Your father will be there too. I have warned him, and he is coming too.

"He is?

"Yes. He did not hesitate one second when I told him you were in danger. So once more, I am telling you, be careful. Be wise. You will have help. Do not ignore it.

"Thank you," Rey said.

And the Light disappeared.

They quickly arrived at the Starkiller base. They were prepared. Finn, Cedric and Poe had taken many weapons, and were pointing guns in every direction while Rose was making sure no one was around. She was to stay on the ship, in case anything went wrong.

The cost was clear. They started walking, Rey was leading the way. A few minutes later, a dark shape made them jump. But Rey smiled.

"Ben!" She whispered.

The young Jedi looked at her, and ran to her. He took her in his arms and hugged tight.

"I have missed you so much!" He said softly. "Why are you here?

"We came to help you and take you with us.

"You can't do that," Ben said worried.

"I have a plan," Rey assured.

"But still! It is too dangerous here! Where is Ani?

"With Rose, on the ship. He's sleeping.

"Okay. I'll take four stormtroopers and place them around the ship, in case anything happens.


"Come now!"

They all followed him through the many corridors of the base. They arrived at the centre of the base, where three men were working behind computers and talking at the same time.

"They're here to make sure the mission goes well. They're communicating with my soldiers." Ben explained.

The four friends nodded. Ben called four stormtroopers and ordered them to get to the Falcon and guard it with their lives. They did so.

"Where is the Dark Side?" Rey asked. "We could find him and destroy him.

"Rey, honey," Ben answered, "the Dark Side will never be killed. He can't be killed. He will always be there. That's how it is. But we can bring him down and restrain him. That we can do.

"Okay. Well, let's do this!

"Rey, he is too powerful! We have to stick to my plan.


"Good. We'll make it, don't worry. Just don't be so impulsive, it will lead us to our doom.

"Okay, I'm sorry. What's your plan?"

Ben explained them what he had in mind, and ordered ten more stormtroopers to come in. In reality, Ben had two-hundred stormtroopers ready to die for him. They had seen the change in him, they had seen how he loved the Light, how he had become better, and how he was ready to die for his soldiers too. He had become the best leader they could wish for, especially in these hard times and dark hours. Ben was loved by his men, and he knew it. So he had decided to make them proud and happy to serve him. Rey had changed him. He would be forever grateful to her.

An hour later, they had taken their position : Poe, followed by three stormtroopers, was ready to jump into the room where Hux was, and make him a prisoner. Finn, Cedric and the rest of the stormtroopers, were about to make all the other stormtroopers obey to Ben Solo. Rey and Ben were heading towards the room where Ben had last seen the Dark Side. They were all prepared, all ready to destroy the darkness that was destroying the Galaxy, tearing it apart, bringing people against people, making it an unjust world to live in. It was time. Time to fight. Time to make it right to the people living in this galaxy, to the ones who died because of the Dark Side, to the ones who died protecting the ones they loved, because of the Dark Side. Time to make them right, to make their deaths worth it.

Ben looked at Rey one last time, before opening the door and jumping inside the room, lightsaber on.

"I see you have brought a friend of yours," the terrible voice of the Dark Side said. "I am glad. You have done great work.

"This is judgement day."

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