Chapter Five

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"I think your plan is great! It will work!" Rey exclaimed in awe.

Poe grinned with pride.

"So when will you go there?" Poe asked.

"I don't know really... when we'll find the base I guess..." Rey said quietly.

Poe nodded.

"I was wondering...


"Can you... like 'communicate' with Kylo Ren?"

Rey stared at Poe in wonder.

"I mean, uhm... you know, like you can talk to him from a long distance?

"Why do you ask?

"Well, since you have the force, I figured that a Jedi could do that..." Poe replied confused.

"Well, I can," Rey answered with a soft smile. "But..." Rey frowned.

"What is it?

"Well, every time we could talk like that, it was like I couldn't control it.... it just happened sometimes...

"Well, that's... unsual...

"Talking to someone through thoughts isn't very unsual either!" Rey laughed.

Poe gazed at her, a small grin on his lips. Rey looked up and their eyes met again. She felt her heart race as she slightly blushed. Ugh! What was wrong with her?! She ducked her head, and turned back to the table where they had put all the papers for the plan, and looked at it, as if it had become the most interesting thing ever.

"So..." Rey started. "About the--"

She was suddenly interrupted by a strong jolt that threw her backwards. She felt a hand grabbing her before she could hit her head and found herself into Poe's arms. Their faces were close. Their eyes locked. Rey's heart pounded in her chest. But she suddenly pulled herself together and frowned, as she pushed Poe away.

"Let me go," she said as she grittedher teeth.

Poe's eyes widened in shock, but he didn't reply, and helped her steady on her feet. She took a few steps away from him, and turned her back to him. Poe just grinned and stayed quiet.

"What was that anyway?" Rey wondered as she looked through the 'window'.

"What was what?" Poe asked not understanding what she meant.

"That jolt... I have to go and see!"

She rushed out of the little cabin they were in and ran to the cockpit. Poe stayed behind for a second, and ran a hand through his hair and sighed. Then he started running behind Rey and found her with Leia.

"What happened?" Rey was asking sounding a little panicked.

"We've been hit..." Leia answered anxiously.

"Hit? By whom?!"

Leia looked at Rey with concern. Then glanced at Poe.

"They've been following us....

"Who?" Rey asked again, hoping she wouldn't hear the dreadful words.

"The First Order..." Poe answered in a whisper for Leia, as if he couldn't believe it or understand it.

They glanced at each other. Rey knew she should have been scared and horrified, but she just couldn't. For her, this was an opportunity to see Ben and bring him back. And she had to take it. She took a few steps back, straying away from Poe and Leia, who were now in a lively conversation about a plan of attack or flight.

The Final Choice (A Reylo Fanfiction) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now