Chapter Twenty-Five : Atonement

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All at the same time, they jumped, weapon pointed towards their targets.

Poe and the three stormtroopers managed to immobilize General Hux within a few minutes. They restrained him and fastened him, and dragged him along with them.

Finn, Cedric and the seven stormtroopers had taken control of the other stormtroopers, and were ordering them to obey Kylo Ren. Everything seemed to go according to plan.

But it wasn't for Rey and Ben. They were both struggling under the pressure of the Dark Side who was more powerful than they thought.

"You really thought you could defeat me?" The Dark Side said. "Well done, my Dark Knight. Well done. You're smarter than I thought. It's good. I see all the hate you feel for me, it makes me more powerful... And you, the White Queen... you feel... love?... this is no good for me. Love makes me weak. And there is something else. No hate, no love... Balance... what is this coming from?"

Ben and Rey shared a glance : Ani. The Dark Side had just sensed Ani.

"It is strong... too strong for me... Balance is worse than love... what is it? Why do I feel this?"

At that moment, Rey had an idea. It was crazy, she knew it, but it was the only way. She looked at Ben, and ran away. Fortunately, he had understand, so he stood there, facing the Dark Side, ready for anything. Even his manipulating ways. He knew he was in grave danger, but he had to hold the Dark Side back for a while.

"So," the Dark Side said, "she ran away," he stated, matter-of-factly. "Do you think she was scared? Or maybe she has a plan of her own... always trying to defy you... never sticking to your perfect plans... I wonder how you feel about this? Let me see... oh, anger! That is good! I feel strong again now that she is gone... but... there is still that strange very irritating feeling of balance... what is it? It makes me feel itchy... no...! No it can't be! It is, isn't it? You brought him with you, didn't you?"

Ben had actually no idea what he was talking about, and he just looked at the dark creature, eyebrows up.

"Don't give me that look, I know what you did! This is the end for me, I know it... I see now, that your friends have taken over, the Light is winning. But it shouldn't be like that! No, it shouldn't! I should be winning! Not my brother! You've ruined everything, you have played me! You have tricked me! I will not be defeated without consequences! I feel my brother coming, he is going to get me. But he will not. Not until I do what I have to do!"


Rey ran through the corridors, lightsaber on, in case anything happened. She met Poe who was still holding a very angry Hux.

"Poe!" She exclaimed, "is the ship still safe?

"I think so!" Poe answered. "Finn managed to take over the stormtroopers. They are all under control, so everything is fine.

"That's what I'm worried about...," Rey mumbled.

"You want me to come with you?

"No, stay with Hux. I'm going to get Rose and Ani, and when I come back, I want you to come with me, then.


Rey ran towards the Falcon, and found it all safe and secured. She rushed into it, and found Rose playing with Ani. She thanked Rose and explained her the situation. The young girl grabbed her favourite weapon : the 'paralyser', as she liked to call it, and a laser gun, and she followed Rey. Together, they were running, Ani in his mother's arms. They quickly joined Poe, and together, they went back to the room Rey had left Ben. On their way to it, they met Finn and Cedric.

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