Chapter Fifteen

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The village gathered around a fire in the evening, to celebrate the child to be, and the lovely couple. It was a big feast, and everyone congratulated them. Both Rey and Ben were extremely happy, and overjoyed. Ben was even more gentle, and was taking care of Rey like no one else ever did. They both kept helping in the fields and village, and kept training in secret, like they did before. They spent a month like that, happy, without any worries.

One day, as Rey was getting up a little later than the other days, she nearly had a heart attack when she heard a voice and the shape of a man surrounded by a thin layer of light standing in front of her.

"Grandfather!" She exclaimed. "You scared the hell out of me!! What are you doing here?

"I came here to visit you, Rey," Obi-Wan answered calmly.

"And talk to me about my decision? Look, Grandfather, with all due respect, I will not change the life I have now with Ben. I am happy, far from battle, destruction, horror, sadness, and hate. What I have now, is so precious, I would not leave it for the world. I love Ben, we're going to get married in a month, and... we're... we're having a baby.

"A baby?" Obi-Wan exclaimed. "You? And Ben? Together?


"I... Rey, this is madness!!" Obi-Wan said, angrily. "Kylo Ren is not prepared for such an event! His temper is so bad, he's still drawn to the dark side, you're in danger. You and your child. Believe me, Rey. I want your happiness, and I don't want you to suffer. Please, hear me out.

"Why did you come here in the first place?" Rey snapped. "If it's just to make me come back, it's useless. If you want to change my mind, it won't work. I love Ben. I'm having his child, and I'm going to marry him. He came back to the light for me, because he loves me. He wants my happiness, and since I'm with him, I've never been happier in my entire pathetic existence. Your son, my father, abandoned me! I've lived a miserable life for years, you can't take this away from me!"

Tears filled her eyes. Anger, her heart.

"And I won't," her grandfather assured. "Your father sent me to talk you some sense. He's worried about you, he's scared about you falling to the dark side...

"Trust me," Rey snapped, "if I go to the dark side, it won't be because of Ben, but because of you, and my father. You're both trying to steal my happiness away, you make me angry, and hate howls within my heart.

"What you just said is wrong," Obi-Wan replied softly, his voice souding hurt by the words she had just said. "I'll go. I'll leave you alone. Just remember, that you're in danger, both you and you're child. One person doesn't change like that, that much. His darkness will come back.

"I don't believe you," Rey responded on a defiance tone. "Leave me alone.

"I will," Obi-Wan said sadly. "Goodbye, Rey. If anything happens, I'll be there, and so will your father. Don't forget the friends you have. They miss you."

And he disappeared. Rey stayed still, a little startled, but soon, she frowned, and headed to the bathroom to have a bath.

Another month went by, eveything seemed just perfect. Ben was so careful with Rey, and just the perfect lover. They were preparing the wedding that was getting closer and closer. Rey was thrilled about it, and so was Ben. The people in their village were helping them, decorating everything, making everyhting easier for them. The lady who found out for Rey's pregnancy was helping the young girl through all the difficulties that got in Rey's way. She had become like a mother to her, and they grew very fond of each other. Rey had told her everything about her and Ben, the whole story, surprisingly not scared about telling her. Catie had took it very well, had been very understanding, and had helped her, giving the young Jedi some important advices.

"Catie," Rey once said to her, "my grandfather visited me here, and he told me horrible things, like Ben would go back to the dark side, and I would be unhappy, and I'm in danger, and that I should leave him..."

Rey burst into tears. The words of Obi-Wan had stayed in her mind, haunting her, torturing her, and she ended up being worried all the time. One day, when Ben went back from his work in the fields, she even had a panic attack: her heart started pounding in her chest, like it was ready to burst out of her body; she had a terrible chocking feeling, breathing was starting to be impossible, she was trembling, and the world around her felt unreal and numb. Ben freaked out, not knowing what to do. He called Catie who fortunately heard him and ran to the rescue. Together, they managed to calm her down, but neither Catie nor Ben ever understood why that happened. And now, Rey was telling her. She couldn't hold it any longer. She had to spit it out. And Catie being like a mother to her, she knew she could tell her.

When Rey suddenly started crying, Catie was surprised: Rey was just so strong, she never saw her cry, or anything like that. She seemed just happy all the time, strong, psychologically and physically, not scared of anything. Catie rushed to her side and hugged the young girl.

"Hush, now." She said quietly. "You're not making any sense, calm down and explain to me what the matter is."

Rey let herself sink into the embrace, and dried her tears. She took a deep breath and explained Catie what her grandfather had told her.

"I'm just so scared he might be right... I'm scared of Ben now! Scared of the one I love! And I know I shouldn't. I trust Ben, I know he would never do anything to hurt me. Especially now that I'm pregnant, and that he's going to be a father. But what if it freaks him out, what if he actually goes back to the dark side because of me?

"Rey, listen to me," Catie said in her low, peaceful voice. "Have you ever seen Ben freak out about the fact you're pregnant?

"No... he's never been this happy actually.

"Then you should trust him. You love him, he loves you, and to be honest, I've never seen two people love each other like you and Ben do. After what you've been through, both of you, this is incredible. You're meant to be together. Trust your fiancé, tell him the truth about your fears. He'll help you. Be honest with each other.

"Thank you, Catie. I'll try and do that." Rey replied softly.

Catie smiled, and hugged the young girl once more before finishing the work she had started. Rey imitated her. The day went by, and by the evening, Rey started being stressed. She had prepared dinner, and was waiting for Ben to come home. He finally did, looking satisfied. He kissed Rey and went to wash his hands.

"What's wrong, my darling?" Ben frowned. "Don't tell me nothing, I sense your distress and your sadness. Tell me."

For a second, Rey hesitated about telling him everyhting: his grandfather coming and all that. But when she concentrated, she could see that telling him that, would make him go.

"I'm... scared...

"About what?

"About you going back to the dark side...

"What do you mean?

"It's been three months since we've arrived here, we're so happy, nothing is in our way, it seems just so impossible... and you came back to the light just so suddenly, it seems like the dark side is still inside you, and to be honest, one person cannot change that much in so little time... I hope you understand what I'm saying...

"Of course I do," Ben smiled. "My turn to tell you the truth. Honey, of course no one changes in one day! And I haven't changed that much. Every day is a struggle against my temper, against the dark side that is still inside me. But you know what? You make everything easier. Without really knowing it, you help me fight against it. I love you, and I would never hurt you. Never do anything to make you miserable. I want you to be happy. You make me happy, and I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way."

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