A Note from the Author

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Here is no chapter, just a small word from me, to say thank you.

Thank you for 500 views!! I can't believe it!! It really means the world! Thank you for taking the time to read this fanfiction, and for certain people, to vote for it. You're incredible! And I love you all, beautiful readers! ❤

I thank korvescence_9 for voting for every chapter! 💕 I hope you enjoyed it! And I thank jedijunki for voting for the first chapter too! 💕 I hope you'll enjoy the rest! You guys are the best! 👑 You make me want to keep going, and that's great!!

Well, enough with all this, I go back to a new chapter! Stay tuned!
And please, don't hesitate to comment, it means a lot and it's very helpful (when it's interesting comments obviously 😉)!

Love you all

Blair 💖

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