Chapter Ten

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"Why are we heading to Naboo?" Rey asked, surprised.

"Because it is an ancient base, and has all the equipment required for an eventual war. We'll be able to defend ourselves if the First Order attacks." Leia explained.

Rey looked through the cockpit's window, not very satisfied. They landed, and Poe went scouting along with Finn and another pilot. When they came back, announcing got was clear, Leia was relieved. She gave orders, and everyone started following the three scouts in order. Leia and Rey were in the back. They safely arrived at the base, and quickly they started looking around to find any ships, weapons, and any kind of things that could help sort out the base. Leia was giving orders, everyone was obeying, but Rey was standing in the middle of the place, her face had an expression of wonder. The pilot that helped Finn and Poe approached her.

"Are you alright?" He asked nicely.

Rey turned her face slowly towards him, as if she didn't understand anything.

"That place..." she murmured.

"You know it?" He asked.

Rey ducked her head, and stared at the floor, eyebrows furrowed.

"I... think so...

"Would you like me to show you around?"

Rey looked up at the young man, and stared at him, without realising she was actually staring at him.

"Name's Cedric," the young man finally said.

"Rey," replied the young girl, her mind somewhere else.

Cedric looked at her and frowned.

"Well..." he said awkwardly as he scratched his head, "I'll just--

"I'd like you to show me around," Rey suddenly said.

"Okay!" Cedric said surprised. "Well then follow me!"

He smiled at her, and Rey followed him. They went outside, went to the gardens, to a Jedi Temple, a few buildings. Cedric even burrowed a small ship to show her more. Together, they went to went to a huge field, where the grass was greener than ever, and high, with many flowers.

"Stop!" Rey suddenly shouted, making Cedric jump.

He made the ship land on the grass, and Rey jumped off of it. She looked around her, and took a few steps foward. That's when it happened...

A little girl was running in the field, flowers in her hand, screaming with joy and laughing. She was around five years-old. A little boy was running after her, laughing as well, and he was about eight.

"Rey come back!" He kept shouting.

"Come and get me first!" Shouted little Rey.

The little boy raced after her, and jumped making her fall, facing the ground. The little girl was laughing hysterically, so was the little boy, who lied down next to her. They finally calmed down, and the little girl turned her head towards the little boy who was staring at the sky.

"That was fun, Ben!" She said happily.

Little Ben looked at her.

"I know." He said softly. Then his eyes went back to the sky. "You know, Rey," he then said. "When I'll be a real Jedi, and I'll be a master Jedi, I'll come back for you, and I'll marry you!"

The little girl giggled.


The little boy then took her hand, and they both looked at the sky.

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