Chapter Three

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Rey woke up with a jolt the next morning, as she heard the thunder. She got up to see her master sitting by a fire he had made. She smiled and went to him.

"Will l train today, master?"

Luke looked up at her.

"Today, you have a meeting, Rey."

The young girl rose both eyebrows in wonder. Luke got up, and rested a hand on Rey's shoulder.

"It is time for you to meet your grandfather." Luke said on a solemn tone.

Rey couldn't believe what she was hearing. She couldn't find her words and she felt her jaws drop: she was going to meet the great Obi-Wan Kenobi! Her grandfather. Maybe he could give her answers. And her father would be there too! She quickly changed clothes, and went outside were Luke was waiting for her, a tall man standing next to him, and both talking deeply. As they saw the young girl, they stopped their conversation, her father walked up to her. Rey three herself in his arms, and hugged him. Having a father was really amazing, and she felt fine with him around, thinking that anything could happen now, she wouldn't bother because her father was there. He looked at her, and grinned.

"Follow me, now, my darling daughter. Your grandfather is waiting." He said.

"Yes, Papa."

That word in her mouth felt like honey, and it was so soft... She repeated it in her head, a smile on her face. She followed her father to the Jedi tree, and standing by her father, she waited until a bright light started to shine right across them. A form surrounded by a thin layer of blue light, approached. Rey discovered a young man, with strawberry-blond hair, and a short but thick beard, the same colour of his hair. He was extremely handsome, and his face had an expression of deep kindness and peaceness. He inspired trust, peace and softness. Rey stood in admiration, incapable of any movements or words. The man looked at her father, and smiled.

"My dear darling son, Onwa!" Obi-Wan said as he gazed at his son with much love.

"Father," Onwa stated as he stared at his father with so much affection.

"How have you been? It's been a long time since we haven't talked," Obi-Wan grinned.

"There's been a lot going on, Father. And may I present you your granddaughter, Rey?"

Obi-Wan turned to her, and smiled in admiration.

"Is she your daughter? A Jedi? One of our kind? My granddaughter?

"Yes, Father.

"She looks so much like her mother... I've been wanting to meet you for so long, Rey!

"It is a true honor to meet you, uhm... grandfather?"

Obi-Wan laughed quietly.

"You're very kind, and sweet young Rey. And I am touched about you being honored. But I'm your grandfather. And the force is as strong in you as it is in me. You've inherited of your father's and my strength. I hope you will use it well. I feel you have questions.... there's a conflict in your heart. What is it Rey? Would you like to talk about it?"

Rey had stayed silent, admiring her amazing grandfather, the man who had known Darth Vador, who had trained him, the man who had saved Luke Skywalker, and helped him and his sister Leia... her grandfather! She had forgotten to breathe during the whole speech and only realised it when he told her she could ask him questions. She let out the breath she had been holding and opened her mouth to talk but shut it right away as she realised she had forgotten what she wanted to say. She frowned and scratched her temple.

"I do have questions, grandfather, but I can't seem to remember.

"Rey is surely impressed by you and what you just told her, Father," Onwa said as he wrapped his arm on his daughter's shoulder.

"Let's have a walk," Obi-Wan smiled.

They started walking through the narrow paths of the island, as Onwa started talking about his latest discoveries and how he found out Rey was still alive. Rey couldn't help but stare at her shiny gandfather. Obi-Wan felt it and grinned at her. He loved the way she was, and how she reminded her of his son and daughter-in-law. She had everything of her mother except the force and her eyes, which she had inherited of her father. Rey smiled back, and gained more assurance in his presence. She was getting used to him, and liked him. They finally reached the top of the highest hill, and Rey was surprised when she realised she wasn't panting. She and her father sat down on a high rock, and Luke sat down next to Rey.

"So Rey, what is it you wanted to tell me?

"It's about Kylo Ren."

Obi-Wan frowned. That name rang a bell. Actually no, he knew who that was: Leia and Han's child. But he had turned to the dark side... why would Rey want to talk to him about Ben?

"What about him?" He finally asked.

"I want to bring him back to the light. I've already talked to him, we've defeated their Supreme Leader, together. There's a conflict in him. He wants to go to the light, but he is poisoned by the dark side, and he wants revenge on Luke Skywalker. But the way he looked at me, with so much hope, I know there's a part in him that wants to go back to the light, but he is so proud... And I don't know how I can do that.... And maybe you do...?

"There is a way..." Obi-Wan mumbled.

"What is it? Tell me, please!" Rey jumped in.

Obi-Wan smiled slightly.

"He can be won by love."

(A/N) Hey lovely readers! So sorry, that chapter wasn't so great... I just wanted to update quickly. This is a non finished story, I'll correct a few things, don't hesitate to comment! ^^;)

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