Chapter Eighteen

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Rey let out a gasp and dropped the brush she was holding. She covered a mouth and for a moment, she actually didn't know how to react.

"Father?" She said.

Onwa turned around to face his daughter, but there was no smile on his face to greet her.

"What... what are you doing here?" Rey asked worried.

"I came here to bring you back to the base. There, you will attend to your duties as part of the Resistance, against the First Order. You will be punished also, for your act of cowardness."

His voice was low, and full of anger, and his eyes were as cold as ice. His words hit Rey and crushed her. Tears filled her eyes.

"Rey is certainly not a coward!" Ben exclaimed angrily.

"You! You..." Onwa said, his voice full of a contained rage, "you took my daughter away! You took her away! How dare you?! You are not worthy to have her. You do not deserve her. You're the worst person I've ever met. You're pure evil, you're a killing machine. I hate you. And so does the Resistance. So does Rey. At least she should.

"Father!!" Rey shouted. The more her father talked, the more anger filled her heart. "You have no right to tell Ben those things. You have no right to tell me who I should hate. I love Ben, and I do not love anyone else as much as him! He is my husband!" She said with defiance.

Onwa paled.

"What? Your... husband?

"Yes! We got married two months ago. And I will not allow you to insult him!

"How could you betray me? How could you betray the Resistance?

"I did not betray anyone! Ben is a good person.

"He chose the dark side!

"Not anymore! He came back, because I trusted him, because I helped him. Because I love him and because he loves me. We always have loved each other. And if you hadn't erased our memories, maybe we wouldn't be here right now! Maybe we would be happy, in a peaceful galaxy! But no! You chose that! You chose this to happen. Well, deal with it! Because I have no intention of coming back right now, and certainly not after everything you've said."

Onwa was about to reply, when the cry of a baby came out of the crib.

"What is that?" Onwa jumped.

Rey looked at him, hurt. She rushed to the crib and took her son in her arms and cradled him to calm him down.

"This is our baby. Ani." She announced, softly, looking at Ben who smiled.

"Your baby?

"Yes. Ben is the father, I am the mother.

"I... can't believe it..." Rey's father murmured.

For a second, Rey thought her father was moved and would be at peace about it. But she didn't expect this to happen.

"You flew away with a traitor, you married him and you had his child?!" He exploded. "You've gone too far, Rey. Way too far." He added, threatening.

Rey stepped back, suddenly scared. But when Onwa suddenly enlightened his lightsaber, she screamed and pressed her baby against her to protect him.

"Father! What are you doing!!??

"What has to be done!" Onwa exclaimed running towards Ben.

But Ben had been prepared from the beginning. He pushed Onwa away with the Force. The man hit the wall and fell on the ground. Ben rushed to him, lightsaber on.

The Final Choice (A Reylo Fanfiction) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now