Chapter Sixteen

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"We're getting married today," Ben whispered into Rey's ear.

Rey lifted her sleepy head towards him and smiled. She yawned and stretched.

"We better get ready then," she grinned.

Ben kissed her on the lips, and then kissed her stomach, as a goodmorning for the baby. Rey gave him a soft gaze, and got up as well.

"I'll go to Catie's," Rey announced.

"Sure." Ben replied. "See you in a few hours," he winked.

Rey had never seen him so excited, and it warmed her heart. She went to Catie who welcomed her with a nice breakfast. The wedding was ready, and Rey got to try it on after she had finished eating. She looked amazing.

"All right," Catie said, "go take a shower, I have a few things to do on the dress."

Rey obeyed. When she got out, Catie was surrounded by three women Rey knew.

"Rey, those friends are here to do your hair and make-up.


"They are like fairies, their work is amazing, and very fine."

Rey nodded and smiled. She sat down in the chair one of the women presented to her. The young girl closed her eyes, and let Catie's friends do their work. They were done an hour and a half later. Catie came back with the dress she had made a little bigger for Rey's tummy to fit in. The thing was, she was on her seventh month, so she had grown quite big!

 The thing was, she was on her seventh month, so she had grown quite big!

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The four women helped her get dressed and fix the veil. Rey looked stunning. Catie became emotional and tears filled her eyes. Rey contemplated her reflection in the mirror and couldn't believe she was looking at herself: Catie's friends really had done an amazing work.

"Catie?" Rey asked quietly. "Would you mind if I had a little time alone?

"Sure, my darling!" Catie responded warmly.

She motioned for her friends to follow her, and they left Rey alone. The young girl looked at herself again, then sat down and rested her head on her hand. She sighed. Was she making the right choice? She remebered her grandfather's warning, and she thought, maybe he was right, maybe Ben wasn't ready... But when she saw him this morning, he looked so happy, and excited. And the seven months she had spent with him had been such a wonderful time, and he had been so perfect, and sweet and attentive to her... But the thing was, it had been too perfect, so perfect, it seemed something was about to go wrong. Little did she know that Ben was actually freaking out about the wedding and all the great things that had and were about to happen...

Ben was walking in the living room, biting his nails, thinking he was about to become crazy. He was hesitating between running away or stay here. But the first option kept looking like it was the best thing to do... But then, he saw Rey. The woman he loved. The only one he had loved and would ever love. He remembered the seven months with her, those peaceful and happy months. And it reassured him. But the dark side was still howling in his heart, which was torn apart between the light and the dark side. But why? It shouldn't! This made him angrier and he kicked the first object that came to his reach. A flash of light and a gust of wind made him jump. He vividly turned around to face a tall and very handsome man, around his age, with shoulder-length light-brown hair, dark green eyes, dressed in a long dark-brown cloak, an aura of blue light all around him; he was looking straight at Ben, his eyes were soft, and a gentle smile stretching his lips. Ben instinctively conjured his lightsaber, but didn't light it. He narrowed his eyes.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Don't be afraid, Ben," what seemed to be an angel said, "I mean you no harm. I'm your grandfather.

"My grandfather?" Ben repeated with disbelief.

"No, no, your aunt Mary," his grandfather said sarcastically.

"My aunt Mary?" Ben frowned.

The bright figure opened his mouth but shut it quickly with a sigh.

"Never mind," he said. "I'm your grandfather, Anakin Skywalker.

"As in Darth Vader?" Ben asked as his eyes widened.

"No, no. As in Anakin Skywalker," Anakin answered articulating as if Ben hadn't understand, then shook his head and narrowed his eyes, as if Ben was just stupid.

"But you were once called Darth Vader, weren't you?" Ben wondered feeling a little lost.

"Oh, yes! Yes I was called like that once, but not anymore. Now it's just Anakin."

Ben's eyes widened and glittered with happiness.

"Oh, don't be so happy, Ben," Anakin said firmly but gently. "I'm not here to show you the dark side. I come from the light, not from the darkness. I've come here to talk to you. Now that you're into the light, you can see me, and we can talk.

"What do you mean by 'now that you're in the light'?" Ben frowned.

"You were once so closed to the light that it was impossible for you to see me. And let me tell you I've tried many times, in every way possible!

"I'm sorry," Ben almost whispered ducking his head.

"It's okay. Better now than never," Anakin smiled. "Now come. We have to talk."

Anakin motioned for Ben to sit down on the couch, and sat next to him.

"Ben," Anakin started. "I've watched you for years, and seeing you making the terrible mistake of going to the dark side was one of the most painful moment of my afterlife. You kept asking me to show you the way to the dark side, because you thought I was still Darth Vader, and I blame my son for not telling you that I had come back to the light... which, by the way, I find surprising, since he saved me... I should ask him about it... huh..." Anakin said, looking like he was gone into deep thoughts. Ben looked at him, eyebrows up. Anakin shook his head and cleared his throat. "Anyway. Let me tell you something, son: the dark side destroys you. It doesn't make you happy. It makes you confused. And I know how you deal with that feeling..." Anakin added with blaming look. "You have a bad temper, and you unfortunately got that from me. But ever since you met that Rey girl, she has become my hope for you to come back to the light. I've helped her, even though I didn't come directly at her, and seeing you together has never made me so happy. So I'm asking you, with the support and on behalf of Luke, Yoda, Obi-Wan and my beloved wife Padmé (your grandmother, by the way), to not let Rey down. She loves you, and she carries your child. Do not make the same mistakes I did when I was your age. Ask me, if you need something. I'll be there." Anakin smiled at his grandson.

Ben felt a little overwhelmed by that speech. He had listened, carefully -well it was his grandfather talking! Who was he kidding?- but, he needed time to actually register all the information. He cleared his throat.

"Thanks, grandfather." Ben said.

"You're welcome," Anakin grinned. He then stood up. "Well, I have to go, I'm sorry. Padmé is waiting for me."

Ben stood up as well.

"Uhm, grandfather?

"Yes, dear?

"I just have a question?


"Why are you do young?" Ben wondered frowning.

"Well, in the afterlife of the force, we have our body from when we were the most beautiful in our life. And I'm telling you, when I was Darth Vader, I wasn't so pretty... You see, I was burnt by lava and--

"Okay, okay," Ben interrupted. "I know that story. But, Luke Skywalker is old in his afterlife, why?

"Well, he wasn't so charming when he was young, which is quite surprising, since your grandmother and I are pretty damn beautiful! But hey, you can't control that kind of things you know?

"Sure..." Ben frowned.

"But when he was older, he was very handsome. I still can't believe it!

"Okay, thanks," Ben said awkwardly.

"Any other questions?

"No, I'm fine, thanks.

"Good, then I'm off!" Anakin said happily. "Be good! I'll come back soon."

And with those last words he disappeared. Ben stared at the spot where his grandfather had been, and smiled: his decision was made.

The Final Choice (A Reylo Fanfiction) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now