Chapter Two

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Rey ran to the ship where Chewbacca was still waiting for her. She rushed inside it, and screamed to the tall hairy creature to go, now. He reacted quickly, and they soon flew away. Chewbacca didn't say anything. Rey was thinking. As they were flying light speed, Rey wondered if she would go back to the Resistance's ship, or to her master. She tried not to think about what had happened between her and Kylo Ren, but she regretted not coming back with him. But she still had this part in her heart that screamed to her that she had to come back and join Ben. But her reason told her she had made the good decision. She frowned and clenched her jaws. She was not ready to go back to Princess Leïa, and she needed Luke. But most of all, she needed her father and grandfather.
When she arrived on the island, Luke was waiting for her, looking eager to talk to her. When she got out of the Millenium, she saw the disappointment on her master's face.

"You didn't succeed, and you're angry about it." Luke said quietly.

"I didn't. But I want to try again, nothing is lost. I felt the conflict in him. He's torn apart. He wants to come back, but he's too proud, and... He wants a revenge on you."

Luke nodded and sighed.

"I'll let you try again. You have an influence on him, and he likes you."

Rey blushed: he likes her? How would her master know? How could he know?

"I also know that you care for him."

Rey jaws slightly dropped, as she turned into a darker shade of red. Luke smiled sadly.

"But you know a Jedi cannot have any relation, for it leads to passion, and passion leads to the dark side. That's what happened to my father...

"What about my grandfather?" Rey jumped in.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi..." Luke smiled. "I didn't know he was married, nor that he had a child... He told me before he died. When he did, I searched for his son for so long I started to lose hope. But when I did, I felt so much joy seeing my dear master's son! We became friends very quickly and very easily. We trained together, and we trained younger Jedis together. And that for three years, until he met your mother, Amy. She had a very uncommon name, as she was very uncommon herself. She had a strong character, but was also very gentle and kind. Quite funny too. She was also very beautiful. You look very much like her, Rey. But you have your father's strength. Use it well. Now I shall let you be, you must be tired. Rest now, for tomorrow, you have more training."

Luke got away, and left Rey still a little startled by the speech she just heard. It was a lot of information in a row... She shook her head, and went to her little stone house, and laid down on the hard matress. Staring at the ceiling, she let herself sink into the thoughts she had been trying to chase away the past hour.

She remembered Ben's eyes, how they were looking right into hers, how they had held hands, how he had saved her several times, and how they had fought together. One hand placed on her stomach, the other lifted up in the air, as she looked at it, thinking of Ben's grip. She sighed, and joined both her hands on her stomach. What was she going to do now? How could she keep in touch? How could she affect that stone-hearted man? But was he really stone-hearted? After all he had done for her? She was not being fair on her judgments now. Ben had a heart, but it had been poisoned by Snoke's teaching and training. And she had to find a cure. But what could it be? What could reach him? She sighed again, and groaned. She was getting to nothing! But then she remembered Luke's words: "he likes you". Does he really? How could he be so sure? And then he said that she, Rey, cared for him! How dare he say such a thing?! Ben was a selfish, untrusty, unbalanced man, who didn't care for other people, and who killed many young Jedis. How could she care about such a person! No. She didn't care about him. And she was not going to bring him back. She will not help him anymore. That's right. And tomorrow, she would go back to the Resistance base, and that would be all. But then she pictured Ben's eyes, full of sorrow, and hope... She felt Ben's hand, and his fingers entwined with hers... No. She couldn't abandon him. She will not. It was impossible. She did care for him, she had to admit it. Ugh! Why? He was not very attractive, but there was something in him... something that made him attractive. But it was also the fact that he was Han Solo's son, Han Solo, the one who had been so kind to her, who had helped her, who had been like a father to her. She saw Han in Ben. And a little of Luke too (maybe it was because he was Leia's twin). But Ben was also somehow so different from the both of them... And she knew that behind all that arrogance, pride and selfishness there was a kind heart, lost and searching for the light so desperately. And because she saw that, she knew she could save him. She had now to figure out how. Rey finally fell asleep, exhausted by the events of the day.


Kylo Ren rose up from the floor, and winced under the pain from his head. He rubbed his forehead, and stood up. General Hux was just behind him, and little did Kylo Ren know he actually had the intention of killing him...

"Where's the girl?" Kylo asked angrily.

"Who?" Hux asked in disbelief.

"The girl who was there! The girl I bought here!!" Kylo Ren answered impatiently.

"She's gone." Hux simply replied. "Who killed the Supreme Leader?" He then demanded in horror.

"She killed him."

Why did he accused her? Why would he? Maybe because he would be sure to have the power, and not be killed by Hux... Still. He felt bad about it. But he ignored the guilt and turned to the General.

"I'm the Supreme Leader, now!" He claimed. "I need some rest. Look out for any Rebels who could be a danger to us. I'll come back in a few hours."

It wasn't rest that Kylo Ren needed, but thinking time. He lied down on his bed, and started thinking about Rey. She was beautiful, she was determined, strong, powerful, and the light was shining within her heart. And he cared for her. He knew it. He regretted his decision. He could have gone with her, go back to his mother... And face her anger? No. It would have been unbearable, since the death of his father had had a great impact on him. He couldn't face her sorrow. But he could be there for her. But wouldn't she reject him? Deny him? He wouldn't accept this humiliation. And going back to the light also meant going back to the man who wanted to kill him... And that, he couldn't. Well, he did make the good choice after all then. He grinned, but right away felt bad about it. No. He knew he had made the wrong choice. And he hoped that Rey would come back and try to beg him to come back. But first he had to kill Luke. But that, would make Rey angry and sad, and she would not fight for him anymore. She wouldn't try to make him come back, and he wouldn't see her anymore. But Luke deserved it! If only there was an easier way! He sighed and closed his eyes. The image of Rey, kneeling in front of him, gazing at him, her eyes full of hope and affection, presented itself in his disturbed mind. He first wanted to chase it away, but her eyes... they were looking right into his... how could he reject it? He then felt the grip of her hand tightening his, and their fingers entwined together. It was a delicious feeling. At that moment, he felt so free, and felt that whatever happened, he would be alright, because Rey was standing by him. Wait what? What was he thinking about? Had he become mad? He shook his head, and opened his eyes. But Rey was still there, standing next to him, smiling, begging him to come back. He was torn apart. He had to do something, think about something else. He got up and joined the General who looked at him surprised.

"You said a few hours."

Kylo Ren just glared at him and chose to ignore it.

"Anything suspicious?" He asked.

"Nothing much. They're running out of fuel. Which is a good sign." Hux answered.

"General," one of the officers suddenly said, "you have to come and look at that."

Hux frowned and approached the window.

"What is it, General?" Kylo demanded as Hux paled.

"I think they're running away...

"How could they?

"Emergency ships.

"Where are they heading?

"A ancient base, long lost, Supreme Leader," one of the officers answered.

"Follow them. And first, destroy them." Kylo Ren ordered.

"Fire!" General Hux shouted.

"We'll join them on the base by surprise, General. Chose the best stormtroopers and officers, and join me."

Hux nodded and gave orders while Kylo receded.

"Please, don't be on one of the ships, Rey." He murmured as he walked to where all the ships were.

The Final Choice (A Reylo Fanfiction) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now