Chapter Eight

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"I would never hate you Rey." Kylo Ren whispered to her ear.

Rey's heart pounded in her chest. She could feel Ben's sweet and warm breath brushing upon her neck. He then lifted his head, and gazed into her eyes. When their eyes met, Rey could definitely tell that all the hate was gone, replaced by another feeling, a peaceful one, and beautiful one, she thought, since Ben was calm, and gentle, and had the tenderest, loveliest smile on his lips. Rey couldn't help but feel as peaceful as him. When she looked at him, it was like time had stopped; she felt reassured with him. Even happy. Ben lifted his hand, and rested it on Rey's neck and cheek.

"Don't ever think that I hate you, Rey." He ordered in a whisper.

"Step back!!" A low voice suddenly shouted.

They both jumped and Kylo Ren let go of Rey, as he turned towards the shout.

"General Hux," Kylo Ren stated gritting his teeth.

The General was holding a laser gun he was pointing at Rey.

"Don't you dare, General," Kylo Ren shouted with hate and anger in his voice. Crazy how a man could change his mood in a second... Rey thought.

General Hux smiled evilly and fired at the girl, who let out a scream of pain as the laser hit her arm, and another hit her chest. She collapsed, but before she could hit the floor, Ben caught her in his arms.

"Stop it!! Put that gun down, or I'll shoot!"

"Poe..." Rey murmured. "Don't! This isn't part of the plan..." She managed to shout.

Poe turned towards her, and shook his head. Then he pointed the gun at the General and fired three times: each time, he got him. The General fell on the ground with a groan of anger. Poe rushed to Rey and grabbed her.

"Let her to," he said angrily to Kylo Ren, his weapon pointed towards him.

Kylo Ren winced: he didn't want to let her go, he wanted to keep her with him. Anyway who was that guy? Why did he want to take Rey away? Was he family? Or maybe... someone she loved? Kylo Ren clenched his jaws, and glared at Poe.

"Why should I?

"Because she's part of the Resistance and doesn't want to turn against the people she loves!" Poe replied angrily.

There it was! That word: love. The word that didn't exist in the dark side. The forbidden word.

"Love," Kylo Ren repeated.

It was such a sweet word. He looked at Rey who had fainted. He felt his heart beating faster and a strange but agreeable warmth filled it. He smiled slightly.

"Let her go now or she'll die!"

Kylo Ren looked back at the pilot, but this time, he didn't feel any negative emotions. He was holding Rey, he couldn't hate anyone at the moment.

"Fine," he finally responded. "But only of you let me carry her to your ship."

Poe furrowed his eyebrows, but didn't say anything. He coldly nodded and let Kylo Ren walk in front of him, so that he could shoot him if anything suspicious happened.
Kylo Ren took Rey in his arms. It was the second time he was holding her like that, so close, her head against his chest. It was such a great feeling!
They entered the ship, and Kylo Ren gently put her on the floor. He then leaned over her, and approaching his mouth to her ear, he whispered:

"I'm sorry, I have to let you go. But please, don't leave me."

He stood up, and glanced at her one last time. He turned around, and jumped when he felt someone grabbing his hand. He turned his face towards Rey, to see her looking at him with a weak smile. He squatted beside to her.

"I will never leave you, Ben," she whispered. "Come back..."

Her voice trailed off, and she let go of his hand. He stared at her, half surprised, half sorry. Once again, his heart was torn apart. But this time, he could feel that the goodness in him was taking over. He quickly stood up, and frowned: no, she couldn't win! He wouldn't let her. He stormed out of the ship, and gestured for Poe to go away. Kylo Ren stared at the ship flying away. When he couldn't see it anymore, he turned around, and angrily took off, and headed to his room, ignoring the General who was groaning on the floor.

He went to his room, and kicked the first object that came to his reach. A low and long shout of anger came out of his throat. Why did he let her go? He should have killed that man and just take her with him. Why didn't he do that? It was so natural for the past seven years to kill people when he wanted to, when he was angry, when they were in his way, preventing him from doing the things he wanted to do... and now, he had had the person he cared the most about in his arms, he had had the opportunity to take her, to bring her to the dark side, but he hadn't. He hadn't kill the man who was claiming her, the man who had talked to him as an inferior. And heaven knows he hated that! Why? The question kept repeating itself in his brain, making him angrier and angrier. Rey's face kept popping in his mind, soothing his anger, making him calm. The two opposite emotions, were tearing him apart. He kicked another stuff, and destroyed it using the force. He heard Rey's voice calling his name. Then he saw Poe again. But Rey started to take over. It was becoming an obsession. But he tried to reject her, to wave her away, to make her disappear, to think about anything but her. But she was still there, in one way or another.

"Rey..." he whispered softly.

Why couldn't he stop thinking about her? He wanted her to be by his side. He wanted to be by her side. His life would be so much better with her. He wanted her by him. He needed her. She made him happy, and calm. And this peacefulness he felt when he was next to her, when he was in his presence, was just what he needed. He wanted to go back to the light. He wanted to leave the dark side behind him. The dark side didn't make him happy, or peaceful. He had just become a monster. Just like she said. A monster. His heart suddenly ached. He had to proove Rey wrong. He was no monster when he was with her. But would she want him after what he had done? Probably not... He sat down, and took his head between his hands. What would he do now? He sighed, got up, and took a few steps before turning around, and stared at the wall. He had to join Rey. He wanted to run away, to find her, and to be with her forever. He loved her. Wait-- no he didn't! Who was he kidding? He was the Supreme Leader, he didn't love anyone. What was love anyway, except a stupid feeling that distracted him from his goal? Oh, but he loved her. He did. He couldn't deny it. She had become his anchor; she had become the source of his happiness; she had become the reason why he found peace inside him. And he knew that she felt the same. Why would she fight for him to come back otherwise? And he had seen in her eyes all the affection she felt for him. He missed her. He needed her. He had to go, now, before the darkness inside him took over again. He grabbed his black cloak, and discreetly got out of the room. A few stormtroopers went passed him, hailing him, so did three droids. Kylo Ren headed to the ships, and quickly jumped into one. He desactivated the location, so that no one would follow him, or know where he was. Then he started the engine, and quickly got away.

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