Author's note

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It is very strange to have finished this story... It feels weird. It's like something, a part of me, has ended. Even though I have other stories going on, I loved this one the most. I'm a little sad... it's just like when you finish a series, at the end of it, you don't know what to do anymore with your life!! 😂

Well, it's a bit like that. *sigh* Well, that's just how it is, I guess. I'll just focus on my other stories. But it's going to be hard really. I'll check my profile, and see this story, and I'll look at it, with nostalgia, and think of all the good times I had writing it...

Okay, I'm getting a little over dramatic here!! ^^' well, you can understand, so you'll forgive me 😁

Anyways, thank you guys so so much for reading it, for your votes and your lovely comments! You guys are the best, and you helped me making it work. Without you, I think I would never have continued. So thank you so so much! I love you guys!

So, for a one last time (this is so sad), I say once again thank you to those who have voted and commented. I am very grateful to demirfran, who has been really supportive with her absolutely amazing comments, all lovely, and fun to read. You're so amazing thank you! 💞💞
Thanks to AngeliqueRavenswood who has voted too, and left comments. Thank you so much to you too! 💝💝
And also jedijunki, who hasn't finished, I guess, but who has voted the first chapters and has left comments. Hope you enjoy the rest! Thank you so much to you too, especially for your sweet comments!💖💖
And I shall not forget korvescence_9, who has voted for every single chapter, and hasn't stopped doing so! Thank you! 💗💟

I just loved receiving notifications from all of you guys. It made me smile and laugh, and really helped. You guys are the best! A thousand times thank you.

Is it weird if I'm crying right now? I can't take it, it's too hard... 😭😭

Anyways, goodbye, and thanks again!

With much love, xoxo
Blair ❤❤

PS : I hope I didn't forget anyone. If I did, please tell me

To my list of thanks, I want to add Hermesdaughterof1 who just discovered this fan fiction, and who has voted for every single chapter and left a comment I just loved. Thank you so so much!! Receiving notifications on stories I've finished writing is so satisfying, it means people are interested. And seeing that you voted for all the chapters really brought me joy!! Thank you again! 💞💞

The Final Choice (A Reylo Fanfiction) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now