Chapter One

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  “You’re a Kenobi, Rey. You’re a powerful Jedi…”

In the ship that was leading her to Kylo Ren, Rey remembered all those words her father had told her. It kept repeating in her mind, and she wanted them to be printed in her memory for ever. She looked at Chewbacca, and smiled. She watched the stars, the planets… she was ready. Ready to fight Ben, ready to make him come back. She had to; she wanted to. She couldn’t explain herself why she wanted it so badly. She felt there was something, some special bond that bound them, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. She thought about him. She saw his future and the light in that future. And when their hands touched, there was something else… a feeling, a sweet sensation… but then again, it was impossible for her to name it. Or maybe she didn’t want to name it… She shook her head to chase that stupid idea away.

A few moments later, she was arriving to the First Order’s base ship. She shivered, and took a deep breath. It was not the time to go back, and to fail. She would succeed, she’d have to succeed. She was determined. She felt Ben’s presence and smiled. She was reassured, in a way.

When she got out of the Millennium Falcon, after ordering to Chewbacca to stay there, and look after the ship, she found Ben waiting for her. He didn’t smile, nor could she see any kindness in his eyes. He had his cold and emotionless face that Rey hated. She hardened her own expression, though deep inside her, she felt anxiety twisting her stomach, as she clenched her jaws.

“Follow me,” were the only words Kylo Ren pronounced to her.

She didn’t reply, and did as he said. In the lift, Rey couldn’t hold it anymore.

“I’ve seen your future… I’ve seen the light in that future, and I’ve felt the conflict in your heart… I saw you, fighting on my side, choosing to kill your Supreme Leader instead of me…” Rey said quietly, without looking up.

“I’ve seen your future too,” Kylo Ren replied coldly. “You were on my side. The dark side.”

Rey frowned, but chose not to believe him. She had to close her heart to the feelings that would lead her to the dark side. They didn’t spoke any other words, for they had arrived to where Kylo Ren was dragging the young girl.

They had arrived in front of the Supreme Leader, Snoke. Rey gritted her teeth, as hate filled her heart: he was the one who killed her mother. Fear also took place in her mind, and she shuddered, but she composed her attitude, determined not to show any of those feelings. Kylo Ren sensed her feelings, especially her fear, and felt sorry for her. But there was something else. Could he be scared for her? Could he actually care for her? Nonetheless, he took her hand and tightened it. Why? Why would he, the great Kylo Ren, Darth Vader’s grandson, one of the best Jedi, care about that simple girl? Why would he do such a thing? He knew he did that to tell her he was there, and that everything would be alright; he wanted to reassure her. But why? What had happened? He couldn’t explain it. But despite all those questions rising in his mind, and the rush of feelings making him confused, he didn’t pull away. Nor did Rey. She didn’t look at him, but she entwined her fingers with his.

Snoke fortunately didn’t notice. He started talking to Rey and Kylo Ren, and took Rey’s lightsabre away from her. Then, using his force, he made her come to him, forcing Rey to let go of Kylo Ren’s hand. Kylo Ren hesitated between letting go of her, and not do anything, obeying his master, and go after her, save her, and tell her to go away and never come back. He couldn’t let her die, he couldn’t let her fall in the dark side. Wait what? Of course he could! He had to! He had to make her come with him, become one of his. But his heart told him the opposite. But his pride and his hate took over. He let her go. If she had to be killed he would let her be killed. Because it was for the First Order. And he was part of the First Order, and he was more powerful thanks to his master, Snoke. He straightened up, and frowned, as he composed his attitude, showing an emotionless face.

“I sense the conflict in you,” Snoke suddenly said, making Kylo Ren jump. “But don’t worry, my dear apprentice. You’re very strong, and I’ll make you even stronger. Your training is nearly done. You just have to do one last thing, and you’ll be a complete Jedi. Like your grandfather…”

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