Chapter Fourteen

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Rey and Ben had been very welcomed by the people on Pemkta. They had dined with them, listened to them telling the stories of older times next to the fire, laugh with them, and Rey even danced with a few men. She had been a success, and Kylo Ren was proud. They went back to their little home, exhausted but incredibly happy and peaceful, something they had not felt in years. It was so soothing.

They spent a few weeks like this, Ben helping the men in the fields, and Rey helping the women with the animals, and at home. She made a few friends, and so did Ben. Rey was a little surprised, given the past of Ben, but was happy for him. The light had taken over the dark side, and she had never seen him so happy. His bad temper was still there, she wasn't blind. But she was always a little scared that it would come back, and that the dark side would take over. She told him once; that's because she had decided to tell him everything.

"Ben? I have to tell you something: I'm... I'm scared.

"Of what?

"Well, to tell you the truth, I'm scared of you going back to the dark side, and--

"Rey, my love." Ben interrupted, his low voice sounding so soft and soothing, "as long as I'm with you, I will never betray you. I will always stay with you, always. And I'll never let you go. I love you, and I can't bare the idea of you being away from me."

He laid his hands on her waist and pulled her closer to him. He looked at her, carefully, and then kissed her, gently, passionately, to conclude his words.

Three weeks went by, and everything was peaceful and quiet. Both Rey and Ben had never felt so at peace in their entire life, and they cherished each other everyday, more and more, learning to know each other better and better, becoming best friends, and lovers as well. One day, though, Rey woke up feeling really sick, having hot and cold flashes, her stomach really sore. She ran to the bathroom and threw up. Ben heard her and rushed to her side, helping her, being so gentle. He ran a hot bath for her and stayed next to her in case she needed something. It went like this for a few days, and Ben grew very worried. He went to the family they had grown close to and asked for advice. The mother came by, saying she had an idea about it.

She entered the little house, and went to their bedroom: it was warm, and cosy, and Rey was lying on the bed, a little pale, but looking alright. The old lady sat down on her side, and asked Ben to leave for a few minutes, something he refused to do, and the old lady's husband had to drag him away.

"So, Rey, how are you feeling?" She asked with a smile. "You've felt sick for a while apparently...

"Yes," Rey replied. "I have stomach aches, I throw up and everything, but the thing is, it only happens in the morning, then I'm alright. Right now, I'm fine! But Ben refuses that I get up. He's worried.

"Rey, I'm going to ask you a personal question, but you have to answer. I guess you and Ben have had intercourse?


"Are you late?

"Late for what?

"Your period.

"I don't know, let me think..." Rey frowned. "Yes, I am! Four weeks late! I can't believe I didn't notice! What's happening to me?!" She asked worried.

The old lady smiled widely, and took Rey's hand.

"The most wonderful thing that can ever happen to you, my dear," she replied sounding emotional.

Rey frowned, not sure what her friend was talking about, and placed her hand on her lower abdomen, looking at the old woman, her eyes full of a silent wondering. The woman nodded. Rey sat up straight with a jolt, gasping. She pushed away her covers and jumped off the bed, and ran to the door.

"Ben!!" She shouted.

"What? What is it?" Ben panicked.

Rey ran to him and stopped in front of him, her eyes glowing with happiness, her hands on her stomach.

"Ben," she nearly whispered. "I'm pregnant!"

Kylo Ren looked at her in disbelief.

"You're... pregnant?

"Yes!" She said tears filling her eyes.

She enfolded Ben's neck with her arms, and gazed at him.

"We're going to have a baby!

"Oh my Goodness! I can't believe it!"

Kylo's reaction was priceless. He lifted Rey up in the air, and hugged her tight. He couldn't believe it. He was the happiest man in the Galaxy.

"I'm going to be a father!"

They were both nearly crying with joy. This baby was the fruit of their love, the proof of their love, and there was no better proof of that love.

(A/N) I know it's a very short chapter, but I wanted to end it like this, I think it's so sweet. Next chapter will be longer! ^^❤ Love you all beautiful readers! Don't forget to comment and like (it means a lot!)!

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