Chapter Twenty-One

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Rey looked at the young man with a mix of shock and puzzlement. She understood what he had said, but... seriously? It just felt so weird. And the fact that it was her 'fate'... what was that supposed to mean? Wasn't she free now? Couldn't she make any choices by herself?

The young man smiled and rested a hand on her arm.

"Young Rey," he said in his ever so soothing voice, "I know what you're thinking. And you have the right to doubt and be unsure. But trust me. I see everything, I know everything. I've seen the horrors my brother has brought. I've seen the sadness and hate breaking the strongest hearts. Even Anakin Skywalker. He was the first one to be that strong with my mother. As I was training him to be within me, and to bring balance, my brother realised the threat he would be and managed to turn him against me. My brother is very intelligent: he knew exactly how to break him. He sent him the worst nightmares about the woman Anakin loved. That did it. And there was also this Emperor Palpatine. That man was never born to do good. Then there was Luke Skywalker. My mother and I really hoped for him to be the one. But then again, it ended up being false hopes. And that's when you and Ben came to the world. We need you and Ben to bring the balance. We need you to defeat my brother. And I know you're the ones suited for the task. I know you will never betray me. I believe in you, Rey. And in your husband and child. I promise you that no harm will come to him or you."

Rey jumped.

"What about Ben?

"That I can't promise. My brother is too evil and seeing that I can win, he will do anything to defeat me. Including maybe trying to turn you against me. But worry not, young Rey, for I will always be by your side."

Now, that was something that didn't please her: if she wasn't sure that Ben wouldn't be in danger, she couldn't risk anything.

"Trust me." The young man whispered.

Rey looked at him and sighed.

"I... I don't know..." she said sadly.

"I do. If you do what I said, you will save your child, and Ben. You will save every person that comes in the future from being held by my brother. You would save the entire galaxy. I'll let you think about it, Rey. For now," he added as he got up, "I must go back to my mother. Have faith. The Force is with you."

Rey gave the handsome young Light a poor smile before he vanished.

The young woman sighed and rubbed her temples with her fingers. Ugh! What a day! Too much information. Too much. She needed some peace and quiet time. She closed her eyes and concentrated. And that's when she saw the wonders of the world. Life, happiness, children running in beautiful fields, mothers feeding their babies, animals... it made her smile. Then she saw darkness, sadness, people dying, people broken with sadness, hate, fear, death...

And then, as she concentrated even more, she saw him. She saw Ben. Her heart raced. He was in the darkest room she had ever seen. He was trembling. He was scared and unsure. He was... thinking about her, his wife, Rey. Beautiful Rey. And his son, Ani. She saw a dark figure. It made her terrified. She started having a strong headache because of this vision. But she held on. She saw the dark figure moving, and smiling. But a cold, frightening smile. Then, he turned his eyes towards her, and plunged his dark eyes right into hers.

Rey gasped and snapped her eyes open. She was breathing heavily. The headache wasn't going away. She never felt so terrified in her entire existence. Who was that? And Ben was in front of him? No wonder she felt his fear! Then she knew. She knew who that was. The Dark Side. Ben was in danger. And serious danger. So was she, and her son, and all the people she loved. She had to do something, and she would do something. She got up and headed towards the house.


Ben stood, facing the Dark Side. He was trembling: what was going to happen? He wasn't sure. And not being sure made him angry. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He was about to give in, when suddenly, he saw Rey. A sudden rush of warmth and love filled his heart. He felt at peace again. He closed his eyes and looked at her.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I had to go. Trust me. I'll come back.

"I trust you," she whispered back with a soft gaze. "Please, be careful, honey.

"I will. I love you.

"I love you."

The connection was broken: he saw the connection between Dark Side and Rey. It lasted barely a second, but it was already too much. He turned his eyes to the Dark Side who gave Kylo a smile.

"Come now, young Jedi. I shall show you my way."


Rey went straight upstairs. She smiled as she saw her father playing with little Ani, and the baby laughing and babbling. She watched them for a moment, but then it was time.

"Father," she said making Onwa jump and Ani laugh hysterically. "I have made a decision.

"What is it sweetheart?" Onwa asked, intrigued as he put Ani back in his crib and walked toward his daughter.

"I... need to go back to the Resistance's base.

"What? But honey, you're perfect here, you're happy...

"Not without Ben. It's the only way. Please come back with me? I need you.

"Of course I will!" Onwa exclaimed.

He hugged Rey and kissed her on the forehead. Rey then started packing the few things she had with her. What made her heart ache the most was that she had to say goodbye to Catie and her friends. So she did. She couldn't explain why she was leaving. She just told them it was important and that she would be back soon. She promised. She then headed towards the Millenium Falcon, waved one last time to her friends, and gave one last glance to the planet that protected her for a year now. It was harder than she thought. But it was for Ben. For the Force. For the common good. It was her duty. Whatever the cost, she had to do it.

She gently put Ani in his crib, and sat down in the pilot chair. She was soon off, light speed, to Naboo. It was weird. It felt strange. She was about to see the friends she had left behind for a year... how would they react? She dreaded the moment, and she was also looking foward to it.

A few moment later, Naboo was in front of her. Her stomach twisted in an uncontrollable sort of fear.

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