Chapter Seven

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"So this is the new plan?" Rey asked Poe, incredulous.

"Yep! It's a great plan isn't it?"

Rey pouted.

"Well, I don't agree! It sucks.

"I'm sorry? Hey, I'm the best pilot in the whole Resistance, and General Leia's right hand! So I think I'm a little more experienced than you in matter of plans!" Poe frowned and said coldly.

"Are you seriously that arrogant? Just because you're supposedly 'the-best-pilot-of-the-Resistance' doesn't make you the most intelligent man in the Galaxy! You don't know Ben Solo, you don't know what I want to do, and I actually don't know why I accepted your help!" Rey said angrily.

Goodness! That man was so full of himself, and so proud of his rank in the Resistance, it was ridiculous! Rey was disappointed of his reaction. She ducked her head.

"I'll just go. Do whatever you want to do," she said quietly.

She started to walk away, but Poe grabbed her arm, making her stop and turn around.

"I'm sorry," he said gently. "I overreacted. Tell me what your plan is, and we'll work it out."

He was sincere. This man had an influence on her: he was capable of calming her down, and actually fight her... not like Finn who was more of a soft one. Poe had a strong character, just like her, so he knew how to act. And on the other hand he knew just what to say and do to calm her bad temper. She gave the hint of a smile.

"Fine, okay." She sighed.

Poe grinned and they leaned over the papers where they had written their plan.

After almost half an hour of working their ideas out together, they finally came out with a great plan.

"So you go scouting ahead, then you come back, and you take me and Leia?" Rey asked to be sure. Poe nodded. "Then we go in their base ship, Leia finds Ben, and while you stay in the ship, I go find Leia to protect her. Am I right?

"Yes you are!" Poe grinned.

Rey smiled back.

"When are you going then?


"Okay, be safe.

"I will," Poe winked.

He then ran to where the small ships were, while Rey went to Leia to tell her about their plan. After explaining her her role, Leia nodded gently, and smiled at Rey.

"Get prepared," she said to the young girl.

Rey was staring eagerly at the sky, biting her nails with anxiety. She finally saw Poe come back. She raced to Leia, to tell her it was time. In a few seconds, they had joined Poe and they were off to the First Order's base ship. Rey was anxious, unable to talk, and she kept eating her nails and fidgeting.

"You'll be alright, Rey," Leia said as she rested her hand on Rey's knee. "I know you can bring my son back."

Her smile was soft and she was confident. She trusted Rey. It made the young Jedi even more anxious.

"We're here! Get prepared--"

"Poe? What is it? Something wrong?" Rey called when Poe interrupted himself.

"I... He...

"What is it?

"He's here!"

Rey knew who he was talking about. Kylo Ren was there. She had to fight back the urge to run to him and beg him to come back. It wasn't part of the plan. Leia got up. Her face was pale, and her features had hardened under the rush of emotions. She got down the ship, and Rey couldn't see her anymore. She waited, worried, until she heard the voice that made her shiver so sweetly.

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