Chapter Twenty

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"Easy from the start?" Ben asked. "What do you mean?"

He couldn't explain why he felt so frightened. It wasn't in his nature to be scared, but in front of that dark creature, his whole body was shaking. Terror more than just fear invaded his heart and mind. Even though that person was extremely handsome, it was impossible for him to be at ease. There was something about him that didn't feel right. And yet, it seemed like he knew him... Even by heart... it was strange... what was wrong? Kylo panicked. And he didn't have his lightsaber with him. Anyway, he knew it would have been no use.

"Why are you scared?" The evil creature asked in his low and profound voice, ignoring Kylo's question.

The young Jedi straightened up.

"I'm not," Kylo affirmed, unsure.

The dark man chuckled.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. Come. Let me explain some things to you."

Kylo felt like he was drawn to the man, and couldn't resist him. He came closer and sat near him. The man looked at Kylo and smiled. A smile that made Ben shiver. It wasn't that he was scary, no. It was something else, but Kylo couldn't put his finger on it. The man was studying Kylo. He removed his hood and Kylo could see his face: he was very young, and handsome, like nobody else in the entire universe. He looked like an angel. His raven hair, straight, slicked back, went down just above his shoulder. His eyes were dark, nearly black, with a flame inside them. His features were fine and delicate; his lips were fine and pale, as his skin, which had no defect. But behind all that beauty, you could feel something bad about him: you could breath the evilness of him. And yet, nobody could be repelled by him. Everyone felt drawn towards him. Because he was extremely attractive. A weird feeling of discomfort would invade your entire body, and yet, his presence was soothing. That's what Kylo was feeling just now.

"You see, my dear Knight," he said with a smile, "no one can escape my attraction."

Kylo frowned but didn't answer.

"Except for the ones who follow the Light. I hate the Light! He is always ruining everything for me!"

He had said those words surprisingly calmly. Without raising his voice. It was disarming.

"But you're here to help me destroy him. I finally found you. All the others couldn't fulfil my will. But I know you will. You're stronger than them, you're easier..."

The more he spoke, the more Kylo felt uncomfortable.

"I feel your discomfort, my friend. Do not let your fear take over. Hate is the answer. Now, the Emperor, Darth Vador, Count Dooku, all those Sith Lords were utterly useless. They were all disappointments to me. You're stronger than them all. I've seen them all. I've trained them. I was the one who brought them against the Light."

Kylo felt like he didn't understand a word he just said. The man sighed.

"Don't you guess who I am?"

Kylo shook his head.

"I am the Dark Side of the Force."


"Ben is in danger," Rey breathed. "I can feel it!

"Rey, my darling," Onwa said, "he careful. You have a baby to take care of. You can't just run away and save Ben. Rey, remember he loves you. Remember that whatever he does, he will come back to you. If he went back to the Dark Side, you know he will come back to the Light. Be patient my child. He has a family, he knows his duty. He is fragile. One doesn't change so fast. But all will be well, trust me."

Rey looked at her father, tears in her eyes. He was right. She went to him and hugged him. The words he had just said were the most soothing thing she could ever expect. She cried in her father's arms, like a little child. And her father comforted her, as if he had a tiny little girl in his arms. They stayed like this for a few minutes, until Ani started crying: the baby didn't find all this interesting at all, and had realised he wasn't the centre of interest now. Rey took him in her arms.

"Can I... can I hold him?" Onwa asked, shyly.


Rey put Ani into her father's arms. Onwa felt overwhelmed with joy. Little Ani gazed at his grandfather and smiled and giggled.

"He likes you," Rey smiled. "Can I leave you here with him for a moment?

"Yeah, no problem!" Onwa said without lifting his head, absorbed by the angelic vision of his grandson.

Rey went downstairs, and out in the garden. She sat down on the swing Ben had built for her, and closed her eyes. A soft touch on her shoudler made her jump. She snapped her eyes open, and held the scream she was about to let out. But instead of being scared, she felt completely at peace. In front of her was standing a handsome very young man, dressed in white, light all around him. Rey thought she was facing an angel: his black hair were floating on his shoulders, his dark green glittering eyes were profound and soft. An infinite kindness sprang from him. He started talking, and his voice was like a waterfall in a lost mountain, clear and gentle, and slow.

"Young Rey," he started. "I am here with grave news. The Dark Side has decided to use Ben Solo as a weapon against me, and against every person who stands in the Light, against the Dark Side."

Rey frowned.

"Come sit with me," the Angel said.

Rey couldn't resist the soft voice and moved towards him. She sat next to him and looked at him.

"I am the Light," he started. "I exist since forever. The Force had two sons: me and what you call now the Dark Side. We were both good, protecting the universe, guiding the people towards the Good. But my brother didn't like being my equal. He wanted to be above me, to rule the Galaxy, the entire universe. He turned against me, and became Dark, and his powers grew as he fell into darkness and evil. My mother fell into sorrow and unhappiness. We tried everything to bring him back. But it was too late. So, she placed all her hopes on me. I searched the entire universe and for ages for the right people to bring balance back, while my brother kept looking for people to destroy me completely. He found many people, but never was it serious. Then he found Emperor Palpatine, then Anakin Skywalker, and the other Sith Lords; they were all trained by him. I managed to break him everytime. But since Emperor Palpatine, I've become weak; the birth of Ben Solo has changed everything, and my brother is winning. And that's when I found you. You and Ben were born the same day, and it brought sudden balance. I guided Ben and you for a long time. But my brother decided to take over, and managed to turn Ben against me. It was long and difficult, for Ben wasn't so easy to bring to the evilness. But my brother succeeded. And when he did, it destroyed the balance. But I knew it wasn't over. You and Ben were meant to be. My brother didn't know, and he still doesn't, that he was fulfilling the prophecy my mother had placed upon you and Ben. Ben was to be the Dark Knight, and you the White Queen. Your mother was a princess from the light, which makes you one too, now that she's on the other side of the light. She's always protecting you. Without you knowing, you brought balance to the Force by marrying Ben Solo, and having your child. That son is the Balance of the Force. He's the one my mother and I kept waiting for. Your task now, is to bring Ben back before it's too late, and raise Ani with him knowing his fate. Do you understand?"

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