Chapter Twenty-Three

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"General Hux," Kylo Ren stated with gritted teeth.

"Supreme Leader," Hux responded with a smirk. "I have localised the Resistance : they're on Naboo. Shall we?

"No. This is not the plan, General, do not take those kinds of stupid initiatives without telling me," Kylo said coldly.

"But, Supreme Leader--

"There will be no discussion. Follow me," Kylo ordered.

Hux shut his mouth and followed Kylo without a word. They arrived in the room where computers were working, and droids along with them.

"General Hux, I want you to work there from now on. You will inform me of everything new with anything." Kylo announced.

Hux pouted but didn't reply. He went to sit down in front of the huge window and gazed at the sky. Kylo Ren was satisfied and he closed the door. Part one of the plan was done. Now, time to realise the second part.

He then went to the central room and locked himself inside it. Time to act. Time to make his plan work. If it didn't work, he knew death would be his reward. But he was willing to take the risk. For Rey. For his son. It was time for him to buy his freedom. To be redeemed.

He knew he had some allies inside the First Order, people who would be willing to serve him and obey him no matter what; even give their lives for him. He called a droid and ordered him to fetch those people. He knew their names, he knew which ones were the best ones. A hundred and one people appeared an hour later, in front of their Supreme Leader, and hailed him.

"Close the doors." He said coldly.

When the doors were close and that he was certain he couldn't be heard or seen, he started talking.

"My loyal soldiers," he started, "I have summoned you here today, for a very important mission. I know that each one of you hates the Dark Side and that you are all desperately trying to get to the Light. I am one of you."

Whispers were heard : all were astonished and seemed to be puzzled. Was that really their Supreme Leader talking? What had gotten into him?

"I know what you're all thinking," Ben said, hiding a growing smile, "but I speak the truth. My desire is to join the Light and the Resistance. To join my wife and child. Now I am sure each one of you has a wife or husband and maybe children?"

People nodded.

"Think about them when I will ask you the following mission. What I'm about to ask you is highly forbidden, and I'll be considered as a traitor. But you will not, for I will take full responsibility for your actions. In the end, some of you may die in the process, and some may find their wife and children at home. I promise you a worthy death and funerals, for the ones who will die. For the others, I only ask you to remember me."

Silence responded. At that moment, they were all admiring Ben. They would have gone the end of the world with him if he had asked them to. And they were willing to die for him.

"The Dark Side has asked me to destroy the Resistance, and when this is done, break the people from across the Galaxy, and make it a dark place, where people will be slaves, and will serve the Dark Side of the Force. My plan, is to send you to the Resistance, with this." He held a small object in the air. "This is the plan of the Starkiller. It is also plans of how to build weapons to destroy the entire First Order. It was designed to actually destroy the Resistance. Now you understand why this is high treason?"

The one hundred and one soldiers nodded without a word.

"Do you accept this mission?"

When Ben was waiting for people to hesitate, he was surprised by a common yes, say all at once, strongly, without a hesitation or doubt. A smile stretched his lips.

"Thank you," he whispered. Then he continued louder. "You will all get in two ships, so half in one, half in the other. Those ships are hidden in a secret room with all the staff we've stolen from the Resistance. That way, they will not fire. I have a code access if they ask you to identify yourselves. Anyway, I will inform my wife, who is with the Resistance right now, and she will transmit the information. So do not worry on this part. When you're at their base, find the General, and give her that little object, tell her she has to study it quickly and build those weapons as fast as possible. Do you understand?

"Yes sir!" They all cried out at once.

"Good. You will go all together and will not answer questions from anyone. Even General Hux, and especially him. Do not let anything between you and this mission. Do you understand?

"Yes sir!

"Very well. Go now. We'll meet again."

They all hailed and got out of the room and headed towards the secret room.

Ben turned around and sighed. He really hoped this would work. He closed his eyes and concentrated. He saw Rey, smiling, playing with Ani who was giggling and babbling. He then saw Poe next to Ani, and it made his heart ache a little. He never could stand that guy, he never liked him, because he knew he had a crush on Rey. And now this same guy was playing with his Ani. But it wasn't the right time to get angry. He shook his head and turned towards Rey and called her.


The young woman turned her face and ran up to him and hugged him. Even though it was through the Force, it felt amazing to finally be able to hug her again, and smell her lovely hair, touch her skin, and kiss her. He pulled away and explained to her the situation telling her to inform Leia. Rey agreed. Then she took Ani, and put him on the ground.

"He can see you, you know?" She said softly to her husband.

"He can?

"Yes. Do you want to make him walk?"

Ben nodded and squatted. Rey pushed Ani carefully to help him stand up, and Ben held his arms towards his son. Ani giggled and took a few steps before falling. But Ben rushed to prevent him from touching the ground. Ani looked at his father, and hugged him. Ben felt tears filling his eyes, but chased them away.

It was at that time that he felt regret. Regret from doing what he was doing : if he died, he wouldn't be able to hold his son and wife... But then, he knew that wether he would die or not, he would have saved them. If he died, he would be able to see them from the after world. The Force would be there, with him, and would make him see and touch. He knew it.

He gave Ani back to Rey and sighed.

"Rey, I have to tell you the truth.

"What is it?

"This mission is dangerous, and... I might... die. If they discover what I have done, they will kill me.

"I won't let this happen.

"Don't worry," Ben said softly. "If they do, it will be fine. I promise. I'll always be there, you know it. I'm telling you this to just be prepared for anything."

Rey nodded. They kissed once more, and Ben's vision disappeared. Rey was indeed not going to let her husband die. It was out of the question. She had to do something. And she would.

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