Chapter Twenty-Two

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Ben followed the dark creature, not daring to make a single move against him. He tried to calm the unstoppable tremble that had taken possession of his body, and quiet his thoughts, for he knew the Dark Side could see right through the young Jedi. It was torture. He had only one desire: fly back to his Rey. He was starting to wonder why he had gone away in the first place, and that it was a terrible idea in the end, when the Dark Side turned his ever so confusing face towards Kylo, and lifted one finger he pressed on Kylo's forehead.

"Look," he said in his deep voice, "see the universe as it should be."

Kylo started to feel weird, and his vision became such a blur he had to close his eyes. It was at this moment that he saw the universe: devastated, dark, despair and hate breaking and killing people. It made his heart ache. It hurt him. For the first time in his life, he wanted to cry. He felt so powerless, and useless. He saw women with their children, trying to protect them from the darkness invading the galaxy. He saw men fighting, killing women and children, and old people. And in the middle of all that mess, he saw his wife and child. Ani crying, and Rey dying.

The despair immediately disappeared, and instead, a howling rage filled his heart already shaken by all these emotions. It was a mistake. The one mistake the Dark Side had to do, and shouldn't have done. The one mistake that would make everything different. Kylo found a way to block his brain from being read by the Dark Side, and built up a new plan. For now, all he had to do, was act as if nothing had happened. As if he was on the Dark Side's side.


Rey landed on the space reserved for the ships. She felt uncomfortable and not really at peace. She felt Leia's presence and it made her shiver. But she had to do this. If she wanted to save the Galaxy, she had to. She had to have courage. To be the Jedi her father and her master, Luke, believed she could be. And, first of all, she was doing this for Ben - her husband - and her child. As she stared through the window of the cockpit, her father went to her.

"It is time, Rey. They are coming."

Rey lifted her head towards her father, as if she didn't understand, then her eyes dropped on her son, fast asleep. Yeah, it was time. She got up, and got out of the Falcon, leaving her son behind for a moment, just to be sure she would be accepted among the Resistance, once again.

She barely stepped outside that she saw two men running towards her. She stepped back, unsure, and it was only when she realised who those two men were that a smile stretched her lips. She ran towards them, and was surprised to feel two strong arms enfolding her. Poe was hugging her tight. He let go, and she didn't have the time to breathe, that it was Finn's turn to hug her even tighter. She never thought she would be so happy to see them again. She hugged them back.

"Rey, where were you?" Finn started. "We searched for you, and we were worried about you!

"It's okay, guys. I'm fine!" Rey smiled. "I kind of have to tell you something. It's important. Actually, many things. But there's one thing I'll tell you now, then bring me to Leia. I'll explain.

"Okay," Poe said. "You're kind of scaring us right now.

"I... I am married." Rey breathed.

She then looked at her two friends who stared at her, in shock.

"To whom?" Finn asked.

"Um... Ben Solo?

"To Kylo Ren?!" Finn exclaimed. "Are you kidding? How could you do this?"

Rey sighed and explained how she had actually known Ben since she was a child and how she had recovered her memories. She explained that they had to fly away, that they took refuge on a welcoming planet, and that they spent a year there.

The Final Choice (A Reylo Fanfiction) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now