Chapter Seventeen

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"The world can be dark, and uncertain, and cruel. The only thing that really matters is that we face it together. Whatever the future brings, you are my light."


Two months later, Rey was in labour, giving birth to her child. Catie was helping her, with two other women. Ben was in the living room, biting his nails, walking in circles, Catie's husband trying to calm him. The old man sat down and started smoking.

"How can you smoke when there's a woman giving birth!?" Ben exploded.

"You're nervous, it makes me nervous as well, so I have to smoke. Want to try it?" The old man replied simply, holding the cigar in Ben's direction.

The young Jedi hesitated, but then refused. He knew Rey wouldn't like it, and that if he started now, he wouldn't be able to stop, and it would be bad for the child. He kept walking around the living room, mumbling incomprehensible words. Finally, he heard a baby's cry, and the door opening.

"It's a boy!" Catie exclaimed.

Ben ran up the stairs.

"Can I see her?

"Yes you can. Be gentle, she's very tired," the woman smiled.

Ben entered to see a very tired Rey, sweaty, but with a big smile on her lips, and joy lightening her face. She was holding a small little creature, and was cradling it. Ben thought his heart was going to burst out of his chest with joy and happiness. He approached the bed and sat on the edge, and then kissed his beloved wife. She gave him the baby, and Ben took it, ever so gently.

"Hi, baby," he whispered, cradling it. Tears filling his eyes, he looked at Rey who smiled.

"How are we going to name him?" She whispered.

Ben looked at his son, and thought for a little while. Then he knew.

"How about Ani? After my grandfather.

"Ani." Rey repeated. "That sounds good," she agreed in a tired voice with a soft smile.

"Hi, Ani," Ben said to his baby.

Little Ani groaned, and Ben chuckled. He looked at his wife.

“He’s my son… I’m his father… I’m a Dad!” he said happily, seeming not to believe what he was saying.

Ben laughed and hugged his son. But little Ani didn’t seem to like it: he started crying, and Ben felt sorry and didn’t know what to do anymore, feeling useless. Rey smiled.

“He’s hungry, don’t worry,” she said softly.

“Oh, okay!” Ben said, relieved. “I thought, you know…

“I know. But you mustn’t worry about this,” Rey said, ever so gently, taking baby Ani back to feed him. “You’re going to be a great father,” she assured her husband.

“You’re sure?” Ben asked clumsily.

“Of course, I am!” Rey said with a smile. “Come,” she said.

Ben laid down next to her, and watched her feeding Ani. Rey winced.

“Are you okay?” Ben asked, worried.

“Yes, I am. It’s just the first time I’m feeding him, and it hurts a little.

“Is it normal? Should I call Catie? Maybe she can do something about it! I’m going to tell her, this isn’t normal. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it!

“Ben!” Rey laughed. “It’s fine! It’s normal. Everything is okay, sweetheart.

“Are you sure? Because she’s just downstairs—

“Honey, it’s totally normal, trust me.”

Ben stared at Rey for a moment, to make sure she was telling the truth. When he was sure, he sat up next to her and kissed her. Rey smiled at him and rested her head on his shoulder. Little Ani was falling asleep, and so was Rey. The room was quiet. Ben never felt this happy in his entire life, except the day of his wedding. He remembered his vow, what he had said to Rey:

“The world can be dark, and uncertain, and cruel. The only thing that really matters is that we face it together. Whatever the future brings, you’re my light.”

What he had told her, he meant it. And he still did. But he was scared. He had seen the future, her future. He had seen her alone, with their child. He had seen a dark world, people fighting and hating each other. The First Order taking over. He had seen the Resistance dying. But that’s all he could see. The rest was to blurry to be sure of. He was scared now. He was scared not to know. He was scared to loose her forever.

Ben felt Rey's head become heavier. He looked at her and grinned: she had fallen asleep, a peaceful sleep. And so was little Ani. Ben got up, and took his son in his arms, and put him in his crib. He stayed there, admiring his beautiful child, sleeping like an angel. It made his heart ache a little: what was to become of his wife and son in the future? He had a new mission. He gave himself a mission he swore to fulfil: protect his family. The word 'family' made him smile softly.

Lost in his thoughts and admiration for his son, he didn't see the door open and someone coming in. The noise of footsteps made him jump and look.

"Catie!" Ben whispered, "you scared me!

"It's just me," the old lady smiled. "How are you?

"I'm the happiest man on earth!" Ben exclaimed whispering with a big smile.

"Your son is very beautiful! Congratulations.

"Thank you, Catie! Thank you for being here with us!"

The woman smiled.

"Did you choose a name?" She asked.

"Yes. Ani, like his great-grandfather." Ben answered.

"Pretty name."

They stayed silent, both contemplating the sleeping child. A moan made them come back to reality. Ben rushed to his wife's side.

"Is everything alright?" He asked, worried.

"Yes," Rey said in a sleepy voice. "I need a shower," she smiled.

She got up, helped by her husband, and took a long and warm shower. As she was putting a long white nighty, she heard strange noises coming from the bedroom, two voices, one of them was Ben, the other, she wasn't sure... she frowned. They seemed to argue. Rey got out of the bathroom and held back a scream.

The Final Choice (A Reylo Fanfiction) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now