The Beginning

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(Y/n) P.O.V

Beep Beep !!

Slam ( Shuts alarm off)

"Dam I hate that alarm five more minutes" I said ( goes back to sleep)

"(Y/n) honey wake up it's time to get ready to go to school" your mom said

"Ugh do I have to" I said

"Yes honey now get ready I'll be down stairs getting breakfast ready and I want you down stairs in 20 minutes okay" your mom stated

( your mom leaves)

" finally she's gone now I can go back to sleep it's not like I'm gonna miss anything important plus I'll be ready in less than 20 minutes " I said

( 25 minutes later )

"(Y/N)!!!! WAKE UP YOUR LATE ALREADY" your mom yell

(Jumps out of bed)
"OH SHIT! I can't believe I overslept" I said

(Finish getting ready and went downstairs to the kitchen)

"Wow it smells good are you making (f/f) mom" I said

" Yea I figure since it's your last day of school and you have finals today I thought I make your favorite food to start of your day" mom said

"You know you didn't have to mom but thanks" I said

"Yea just hurry up and eat okay honey your already late" mom said

(Looks at time)

"Your right! It's 7:50am well I better get going I don't want to be late haha bye mom" I said ( grab my things and rushes out the front door)

'What am I gonna do with her sometimes she reminds me of him' mom thought

No one's P.OV

(Y/n) was running making her way to school
'It's a good thing that I keep myself active if not then I wouldn't have been able to run to school in less than 10 minutes' thought (y/n)

(School bell rings)

'Just in time now I gotta go to class how boring I hope the day goes by fast I don't know how long I can wait for school to finish' thought (y/n)

Skip to lunch time

(Y/n) was walking her way to her favorite spot which is sitting under a tree.
'Finally some peace and quiet I swear I felt like my head was gonna explode while finishing my math test' thought (Y/n)

(Y/n) sits down and closes her eyes while listening to (f/s) (favorite song)
'I can't believe it's been 5 years already I really miss him' thought (y/n)

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