It's time

878 35 2

No One P.O.V

Valt was making his way to the beypark when he saw his best friend Shu had beaten him. He started to jog his way to him.

"Hey Shu" Valt said while Shu turned around to see his friend making his way to him while waving at him.

"Hey Valt what are you doing here" Shu said

"I was gonna ask you the same thing dude but anyways I was coming here to do some training" Valt said

"Really well I also came here to do some training too" Shu said

"Really you mind if I train with you then" Valt said

"Well actually I was gonna ask you to help me with something Valt" shu said

"Sure anything pal" Valt said

"Great I was hoping that you could go get (y/n) for me for our battle after all you guys are pretty close" Shu said

(Meanwhile with (y/n))

"Man after spending the whole day training yesterday, I feel so ready to battle Shu" (y/n) said while the door bell started to ring

"I wonder who could that be" (y/n) said while walking towards the door and opening it.

"Hey (y/n)!!" Valt said
"Valt?! What are you doing here "(y/n) said
"Well I came here to get you " valt said
"No I meant how did you know where I lived I never gave anyone my address?" (Y/n) said
"Oh that well I was just asking around if anybody knew where you lived. Now come on we better hurry" Valt said
"Wait where are we going?" (Y/n) said
"Oh that's right I didn't tell you, well you see I came over here to get you so you can have your battle with shu after all he was the one who told me to come and get you" Valt said
"Really then what are we waiting for let's go already" (y/n) said while running out the door

(At the beypark)

"Hey Shu " Valt yelled as Shu turned around to see his friend making his way towards him with (y/n) right next to him.

"Hey there, so (y/n) are you ready for our battle?" Shu said

"Of course dude you have no idea how long have I been waiting for our battle to happen" (y/n) said

"Haha well then let's start" Shu said

"This is gonna be so awesome I'll be referee " Valt said

Shu and (y/n) were making their way to the bey stadium and getting themselves in their launching position.

"You ready (y/n) cause I'm not planning to go easy" Shu said

"Me either Shu I'll show you just how strong me and (b/n) are" (y/n) said

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!

Both beys were spinning fast around the stadium at an even speed

'Her bey is pretty fast' thought Shu
'Man his bey is pretty fast but not faster then mines time to end this' thought (y/n)

"Lets Go (b/n) time to show them how fast you truly are" (y/n) said
Just as (y/n) said that (b/n) started to go faster and knocked out Spryzen of the stadium.

"A ring out finish (y/n) gets one point" Valt said

'What? She was able to knock out Spryzen that fast ' thought Shu

"Hey (y/n) not bad your bey is pretty fast I wasn't expecting it to knock out Spryzen that easily" said Shu

"Well what can I say (b/n) and I have been training since yesterday" (y/n) said while getting herself in her launching position.

"Round two" Valt said

'Time to start getting more serious" thought Shu

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!

Both beys started to spin around the stadium but Spryzen was going faster then (b/n).
'So he manage to make his bey go faster no matter I'll just show him how crazy (b/n) can get' thought (y/n)
"Time to go crazy (b/n)" (y/n) said just as she said that (b/n) started to hit the walls causing it to go wild like a zigzag

'That's not gonna help' thought Shu
Just then both beys were clashing to each other neither one of them giving up until

"Now Spryzen upper launch"
Just then Spryzen knocked out (b/n) but just before it lands on the ground it burst seconds later so did Spryzen.

"A burst finish Shu gets two points so shu wins" Valt said

"Well I guess I lost nice battle Shu you really are a strong opponent you were able to make my bey burst" (y/n) said

"Thanks but your a pretty tough opponent too that in the end my bey also burst just a couple of seconds after yours did and not many are able to make Spryzen burst like that" Shu said

"Wow you guys that battle was really amazing it was so intense that I want to have a battle. So what do you say Shu have a battle with me?" Valt said

"Sorry Valt maybe some other time" shu said as he started to leave
"Aww man I really wanted to battle him so what do you say (y/n) want to battle me?" Valt said
"Haha sorry Valt but I'm kinda getting hungry why don't we go get something to eat instead" (y/n) said
"Oh alright then I'm kinda getting hungry too" Valt said just as he starts to walk away

'Shu you really are strong but that doesn't mean I won't let myself get left behind. Just you wait and see the next time we battle I'll make sure to win' (y/n) thought

"Hey (y/n) are coming or what?!" Valt shouted as he was a few feets away from (y/n)
"Yea I'm coming " (y/n) said as she started to walk towards Valt.


'(Y/n), She really is a strong opponent I can't wait to battle her again. She's different from the others. She makes me feel more determined to become a stronger bladder' Shu thought as he looked up the sunset.

I Want To Be Strong Just Like You No Wait To Be Stronger (Free X Reader X Shu )Where stories live. Discover now